I become a SheEO After Dirvorce

Chapter 296

Chapter 296

Chapter 296

Chapter 296 Concede Defeat

“I hoped Mr. Russo would win!” Zayla declared her opinion with a firm and decisive tone. Her answer caused an uproar in the audience!

The viewers were confused. Zayla chose her ex-husband over the gigolo? Did she want to reconcile with her ex-husband? The entire crowd and netizens were abuzz with discussions!

“Oh my God, does Zayla still have feelings for her ex-husband?” “What happened with Zayla? Didn’t she already get half of the divorce settlement? Why would she do this?”

“Come on! I’m so furious! Just give me that handsome silver-haired guy. I love him so much!” Simon was very pleased with Zayla’s response. He turned to Lincoln, his face sporting a victorious smile with a hint of provocation.

However, Lincoln did not change his expression or mood, completely ignoring the provocation from his younger relative.

As an elder, there was no need for Lincoln to engage with Simon, especially when Simon was his nephew. But then, Lincoln’s hand moved under the table where no one could see!

His ten fingers clasped Zayla’s hand tightly and squeezed it even tighter. Lincoln’s fingers gently massaged the back of Zayla’s hand, giving her a tingling sensation. Zayla had to endure the sensations as she couldn’t make any sudden movements to avoid Simon’s attention. Zayla tried her best to hold back, to endure…

After several attempts, Zayla could no longer stand it and had to write “win” in Lincoln’s palm. Feeling the “win” in his palm, Lincoln finally stopped moving Lincoln was satisfied in his heart. But he still did not let go of Zayla’s hand.

He had no intention of letting go. If he could, he would even hold Zayla’s hand forever.

Zayla’s hand was soft, tightly held in Lincoln’s palm. Her hand could be fully wrapped in his. It seemed that Zayla was destined to belong to Lincoln. At that moment, the number of votes displayed on the big screen began to increase much more slowly.

The host invited Lincoln and Simon to come up on stage as they waited for the final results to be announced. Lincoln and Simon stood shoulder-to-shoulder, their tense and suppressed energy filling the stage. The host was gasping for breath and wished that the voting results could be announced in the next second.

“Everyone, please speed up your voting!” Gasped the host, urging the audience to vote faster. The number of votes continued to increase slowly. The camera zoomed in on Zayla.

Zayla had anticipated this move by the production team!

Zayla put her hand, which was holding the voting device, on her lap! With the tablecloth covering, no one could see Zayla’s movements or her selection! “Wow! The votes are exactly the same?”

The host made a surprised look with an unbelievable expression on his face! Simon stood on stage, looking very calm. He said to Lincoln beside him, “You have lost.” Lincoln didn’t think much of it and asked, “Is that so?”

The number of votes remained tied with no significant changes. “If this round of voting still cannot determine a winner, then we will have to revote!” The host declared.

“The voting channel is about to close!” “Let’s count down to three together!” Soon, the entire audience was counting down in unison!




At a critical moment, the final vote was set! The pivotal vote! It made Lincoln the winner!

The entire audience fell silent, not a sound to be heard! No one could have predicted that just when everyone thought there would be a tie, a decisive vote would decide the competition. Even the host was shocked by the situation!

“Who… Who saved this vote until the end?” The host looked around the audience.

“This guy is completely testing us!” The audience in the room and those watching the livestream gradually regained their senses…

Lincoln raised his eyebrows and smiled, asking his nephew Simon next to him, “Well, my dear nephew, do you concede defeat?” Lincoln didn’t use the microphone to speak, only Simon and the host could hear him. Simon clenched his fists. Although filled with anger, he had to endure in such a situation.

However, the host almost fell to his knees! He didn’t expect that the silver-haired investor Mr. Nash was actually a relative of the CEO of the Russo Group! That really shocked the host! The host swallowed hard, feeling very scared.

“The results can be announced now.” Lincoln’s sexy voice sounded, urging the host.

The host came to his senses and immediately said, “Ms. Vargas and Mr. Nash will record a group variety show with nine girls!” The audience applauded.

Lincoln and Simon came off the stage one after another, and sat on either side of Zayla, but their expressions were

completely different. Simon thought he was the absolute winner, but he didn’t expect to lose by one vote! He had even just finished his tough talk, but soon after, he became the loser! Simon couldn’t stand this feeling.

The ferocious emotion began to spread gradually in Simon’s mind, but he could only endure it. Zayla sensed the raging emotion in Simon’s heart.

Zayla comforted him softly, “Don’t be angry. The result is not important. What is important is that I want you to win.” Simon heard her words and turned to look at Zayla. His expression eased slightly and he smiled at her.

“You’re right. Who you want to win is the most important thing.” Simon said intentionally to Lincoln.

Zayla nodded, sat up straight, and looked at the stage.

However, Zayla’s peripheral vision still fell to the left. Lincoln’s facial expression looked somewhat like a smile, yet also like he wasn’t smiling. No one could guess his emotions.

The next second, Lincoln grabbed Zayla’s hand again!


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