I become a SheEO After Dirvorce

Chapter 314

Chapter 314

Chapter 314

Chapter 314 Palmer’s Threat

The next second! Zayla felt a cold pistol pressed against her lower back!

“It’s not wise to do anything to me here.” Zayla lowered her eyes, kept calm, and said flatly. Palmer laughed and said firmly, “I just want to talk to you, the wise Ms. Vargas.”

After he finished speaking, he continued with a threatening tone. “Go to the reception room on the right! If you dare to make a sound, I will kill you!”

Palmer held the pistol and pressed it hard on Zayla’s lower back. Zayla felt the cold of the gun. Then, Zayla walked to the reception room. Palmer walked behind her. There seemed to be nothing unusual.

The moment when she entered the reception room, the bodyguards at the door quickly closed the door! Around the reception room, two bodyguards were standing respectively! Counting the two bodyguards outsides, there were ten bodyguards. To talk with Zayla, Palmer ordered the bodyguards to

guard the room. Zayla couldn’t help laughing. She said, “I’m a woman. You don’t need to order ten bodyguards to guard the room. I won’t escape.”

“Stop talking nonsense!” Palmer pushed Zayla to the sofa! Then, two bodyguards quickly stepped stood behind her. At the same time, Palmer threw a document in front of her!

“If you don’t want to die, just sign it! Otherwise…” Palmer stared at Zayla and snorted.

“There is a red-light district in Britain. A beautiful woman like you must be very popular there.” Zayla frowned and looked at the big words “Agreement of Share Donation” on the cover of the document. Palmer wanted her to give the newly acquired 15% shares to him! A sudden sound interrupted Zayla’s thought. Palmer threw a pen at Zayla. Zayla picked up the pen and looked up at Palmer.

“If you want me to sign, you have to answer a few questions first.” Palmer laughed, “Do you think you are qualified to negotiate with me now?”

After speaking, he pressed the pistol against Zayla’s forehead! Zayla remained calm and did not panic. She pointed to the agreement in front of her and glanced at Palmer.

“Of course, I’m qualified. You want the 15% shares, and you want to gain a firm position in the Russo Group. I have enough qualifications to negotiate with you!”

Whether you threaten me, send me to the red-light district, or press my head with the pistol, as long as I don’t sign it, you will never get the 15% shares!”

With these words, she smiled faintly and took the pistol away from her forehead. “Calm down. You are old and weak. If you have Parkinsonism, pull the trigger with your trembling hand, and I’m dead.”

“Then, you will never get the 15% shares.” After Zayla finished speaking, Palmer’s face turned pale with anger. He glared at Zayla. “You dared to negotiate terms with me!” “Zayla, don’t forget, your life is in my hands!” Palmer was boiling with rage. “Yeah, that’s true! But the 15% shares

you want are in my hands.” RA Zayla looked at Palmer’s furious face. She didn’t feel scared but continued to

infuriate Palmer. Because she knew that here was Lucy’s funeral hall, so Palmer would not be stupid to kill her there.

In addition, Palmer didn’t pay attention to a powerless person like her who came from a mountain village. What he wanted was nothing more than the 15% shares!

Palmer was getting angrier! “Don’t be so angry. I just want to know the truth!” Zayla said calmly. What do you want to know?” Palmer sat on the single sofa opposite her.


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