I become a SheEO After Dirvorce

Chapter 319

Chapter 319

Chapter 319

Chapter 319

“Do you want me to give you a headshot to prove myself?”

“No wonder she’s Lincoln’s woman.

She is really something!” Ryan thought.

He had found the best shooting position for Zayla.

But Zayla shook her head. She chose another place, which she thought was the best position.

The moment she turned around, she said, “Ryan, trust the person in the position.”

Soon, Zayla arrived at the best firing position.

Ryan held a telescope and was very confused.

“Why is she exactly the same as Lincoln? They both like to shoot in the distance? Does the distance help them aim at the target?”

“Come on. That’s too far…” Ryan said to himself.

Palmer’s off-road vehicle arrived at the entrance of the hall.

He held Ophelia and walked out of the hall. He opened the car door, stuffed her into the driver’s seat, and asked her to climb into the passenger seat.

With red eyes, Ophelia climbed to the passenger seat.

The moment the door closed, he started the car and rushed out.

When the car drove out of the funeral home, Palmer opened the door and pushed Ophelia out.

As the speed of the car was too fast, Ophelia rolled a few times and passed out after being pushed out.

The moment Palmer closed the door, Zayla pulled the trigger!

A bullet was fired and hit the tire of the car.

The tire blew at high speed, and the car was about to roll over.

But Palmer reacted quickly and chose to jump off the car.

were already ambushing around.

Palmer abandoned his car and fled, and the police chased after him!

When he was about to be surrounded from all directions, he jumped into the Brazos River.

life in this way.

the hospital immediately.

As Ryan needed to confirm Palmer was dead, he sent people to search Palmer’s body!

Many people in Houston knew that Palmer had killed his wife.

confirmed yet.

As the discipline inspection of the upper class, Linda rushed in with reporters and was ready to interview.

front of Ryan directly.

“Did I? When you retreated sixty feet away, I was waiting on the hill over there. In order not to hinder you, I waited until Palmer jumped into the river.”

Ryan was speechless when hearing what Linda said. “You are quite principled.”

Linda nodded and said confidently, “Sure. I’m professional in my work.”

Ryan didn’t know what else to say and had a brief interview.

Streamer News immediately released the interview, confirming that Palmer killed his wife and that he jumped into the river.

It also called on all people to cooperate and call the police if they saw Palmer so that they could bring bad people to justice.

The Russo Group was on the verge of collapse as it was in crisis before, and the Russo family had become a laughingstock among the upper class in Houston!

Zayla walked down the hillside and was going to return the gun.

But she met Simon on the way down the hill.

She stopped and was five or six steps away from him.

Zayla knew Simon was waiting for her here.


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