I become a SheEO After Dirvorce

Chapter 323

Chapter 323

Chapter 323

Chapter 323 The Same Kind of People

Stephen rushed toward Lincoln and was about to give him a punch!

Lincoln reacted quickly. He tilted his head slightly and dodged. When Stephen turned around and went to punch him again, he turned sideways and blocked it with the umbrella. His smooth movements displayed his superb fighting skills.

But Stephen was not weak either. The black umbrella with a very strong frame was instantly crushed and fell to the ground. Water splashed up, and their leather shoes were covered with water.

The rain was getting heavier, and their suits had been soaked. No wonder you’re Simon’s uncle. frowned tightly and was a little puzzled by Stephen’s words.

“One ruined my sister, and the other wants to take advantage of her!” Lincoln also thought Simon didn’t treat Zayla well. But he didn’t understand why Stephen said he took advantage of Zayla. When Zayla was angry, she was difficult

to mess with, no matter her disposition or skills. Moreover, Lincoln couldn’t bear to hurt her at all. “It seems you drank a lot last night.” Lincoln teased calmly. Stephen was stunned for a few seconds. The smell of alcohol on him had not dissipated.

“Your nephew said you want to apply medicine for my sister!” “Aren’t you taking advantage of her?” Stephen was enraged and asked angrily. Lincoln narrowed his eyes, knowing that Stephen must have been stimulated by Simon.

He understood Stephen was angry as it was related to Zayla. After all, Stephen had romantic feelings for Zayla, although they were a family. “Where is my sister? Where have you imprisoned her?” After speaking, Stephen was ready to

rush forward again. At this moment, Alphard’s door opened. Zayla rushed forward and stopped in front of Lincoln. She spread out her slender arms and blocked Stephen who was furious.

“Stephen, calm down!” When Stephen saw Zayla, he hurriedly wanted to stop out! Lincoln pulled Zayla into his arms. He turned around and was punched firmly.

He frowned and grunted. Stephen hit very hard, which might cause internal injuries. Aziel happened to come to the parking lot. Seeing this scene, he rushed forward to fight with Stephen. But he was stopped by Lincoln.

“Aziel!” Aziel stopped suddenly when hearing it. Zayla looked up at Lincoln and asked anxiously, “How are you? Is it serious?” Seeing Zayla’s anxious expression, Lincoln couldn’t help but curl his lips. But in the next second, he coughed violently. He suppressed his deep voice

and looked a little weak. “It’s not serious, but it’s not minor.” Seeing he was acting, Zayla pushed him away and took a few steps back. She asked seriously, “Have you bought insurance?”

Aziel thought, “Wow. Mr. Nash’s trick has been seen through. Ms. Vargas is awesome!” Lincoln laughed. He raised his eyebrows and answered unhurriedly. “No.” “I’ll buy it when I go back, and the beneficiary will be you. How about it?” Aziel’s eyes lit up. He thought in his mind again, “Wow. Mr. Nash strikes back!”

Zayla smiled lightly and replied, “I’m not short of money.” Lincoln lowered his voice and whispered in her ear with a voice that only the two of them could hear.


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