I become a SheEO After Dirvorce

Chapter 330

Chapter 330

Chapter 330

Chapter 330 Zayla Was Happy

She held up the folder in her hand! “This is the will that Palmer made before his death. It has been notarized. He left everything under his name to Norah!”

When Ezra learned that the Russo family was going to divide up the inheritance, she grabbed Norah and rushed over quickly!

Mr. Jones was extremely surprised. He did not expect that the couple had made a will in advance! He immediately confirmed Palmer’s will. After that, he affirmed that the will was valid. Norah inherited Palmer’s legacy! Ophelia inherited Lucy’s legacy! And Simon got nothing! Zayla couldn’t help wanting to laugh. She was so happy to see this.

Simon who cared most about his interest got nothing in the end. He was just a fool who didn’t get a position to participate in the division or inheritance of property! After the division of the inheritance was completed, Mr. Jones slipped away right away. Ophelia opened her red and swollen eyes, looking at Simon in front of her.

“Congratulations, brother, you get nothing.” After finishing speaking, Ophelia fainted in Zayla’s arms and was immediately sent to Houston Hospital! After Zayla and Lincoln left one after another, Aziel also withdrew the bodyguards from the Russo’s Villa.

The Russo’s Villa fell into silence! Simon was so angry that he raised his off the closet! Bang! Ezra avoided the mess and walked in front of Simon.

“I know that you want shares to stabilize your position in the company, and you need a lot of funds to run the Russo Group to make it thrive.” “In three months, there will be the re-election of the chairman of Houston Chamber of Commerce. And you want to take that position.”

You know that Norah has liked you since she was a child. You are childhood

sweethearts, and you ever slept… If you marry her, the properties she inherited will equally belong to you.” Simon supported the closet with his hand and stared at Ezra fiercely. Ezra was so frightened that she took a few steps back. She bit the bullet and continued, “If, if you make up your mind, call me

anytime.” After saying these words, Ezra turned and left. Simon looked back and saw Ezra stagger away.

The moment Ezra stepped out of the gate, she assumed an extremely proud posture as if she would become Simon’s future mother-in-law! Simon sneered. He thought, “Want to be my mother-in-law? Ezra, you can make it in your dreams.”

However, Simon thought Ezra gave him a good idea.

Simon tapped the closet with his slender fingers, and the next second, he drove away from the Russo’s Villa.

to the hospital, it

was confirmed that she was only weak. Nothing else was wrong. She just needed

to rest. Lincoln insisted on letting Ophelia stay in the hospital for observation for a few days. “Lincoln, no need. I’m not weak at all. Look at me! I am strong.”

As she said that, Ophelia also made a move of “a hunk man showing off his muscles”! Lincoln frowned deeply and said in an uncompromising voice, “Lie down.”

“I am your guardian.” Ophelia was at a loss for words. She had to be obedient and lay down on the bed. However, she reached out and pulled Zayla’s sleeve.

“Zayla, Lincoln bullies me. Can you help me take revenge?” “What do you want me to do?” Zayla observed Ophelia’s mood and asked cooperatively. “Be Lincoln’s wife!”


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