I become a SheEO After Dirvorce

Chapter 332

Chapter 332

Chapter 332

Chapter 332 Simon Called Zayla Aunt

“There is no need for you to marry her. But it is necessary for you to call her Aunt Zayla.” As soon as the words finished, the gun was even closer to the back of Simon’s head. It was pushed forward with force. “What do you think?” Lincoln’s voice was extremely creepy. He was like Satan from hell, exuding the breath of death.

Simon’s figure didn’t change, but his expression tightened. At the same time, Zayla made a backhand, and a small saber landed on Simon’s left chest. She raised her head and met his eyes. “Simon, I paid you back for your life-saving kindness in Dorado Villa,

when I was on the verge of life and death.”

“Afterwards, your ways to get me back were just to win my sympathy by sad fishing, and you have done everything you can to achieve your goal.”

“Do you know what love is?”

“Love is gentleness and bravery. It is not handouts, bossy manner, or compromise.”

Simon sneered. His firm tone sounded. “So, you have been with each other behind my back for a long time.” “Mr. Russo, let me correct your words.” “I’m divorced and single. Why can’t I be with Lincoln and be your Aunt Zayla?”

“But as Lincoln’s nephew, you don’t even call me Aunt Zayla. Where are your manners?” Zayla’s words were sharp, wishing they could pierce Simon into a sieve! Lincoln chuckled lightly and said, “It’s not too late to call her now.”

Simon’s heart was against by a small saber, and the back of his head was against by a gun. Simon was attacked back and forth, so he had no choice at all.

Heinrich IV could bear the humiliation of standing in the snow for three days. Simon thought it was not a big deal for him to call Zayla “Aunt Zayla”. Simon thought he was a wise man who always knew when and how to move with the times.

He looked at Zayla with increasingly fierce eyes. And he said word by word, “Aunt Zayla.” Zayla was not afraid at all. She smiled coquettishly and responded, “Good boy.” The small saber was neatly put away, and

the gun against the back of his head also disappeared Simon felt short of breath. He pulled off his tie with one hand and walked away with a cold expressión. After walking about 20 feet away, he stopped and turned to look at Zayla.

“You say I don’t understand love, but your love is nothing big.”

He smiled mockingly again, turned around, and walked away. For some reason, Zayla’s heart felt a little blocked.

In an instant, she remembered that cold winter month. A young boy jumped into the fountain pool without hesitation and rescued her… But now, when she looked at Simon who had walked away, she couldn’t see any

light… Her long and curled eyelashes fluttered. Zayla understood something. She learned that a brief moment of light couldn’t save those who lived in darkness for a long time. Suddenly, the sound of footsteps sounded.

Lincoln stepped up to her side and stood shoulder-to-shoulder with her. “What do you think of how he called you just now?” Zayla came back to her senses, turned, and looked up at him.

Lincoln raised his eyebrows, chuckled, and whispered in her ear, “Since you like it, you can be his Aunt Zayla forever.” Zayla was confused. She wondered if this was the cooperation they had said before. “Little girl, who will be his next target?” Zayla was stunned.

Simon came to propose to her because of the 15% of the shares. But he did not expect her to refuse him, And he was forced to call her Aunt Zayla… Now, the inheritance of Palmer and Lucy had been divided. Although he didn’t get anything from

either side, why was he so anxious for shares and a large amount of cash flow? This was so strange. Zayla was wondering. Lincoln’s determined voice sounded. “Harold Harrison, the chairman of Houston Chamber of Commerce, will

retire in three months.” Zayla suddenly realized. It turned out that Simon was aiming at the position of chairman of the Houston Chamber of Commerce!

“Are you interested in such a good position, Mrs. Nash?” Lincoln asked with a light smile! Zayla touched her chin, pretending to be thinking.

“What can I get if I become the chairman of Houston Chamber of Commerce?” “Can I hold a fresh- faced young man with my left hand and a young hunk with my right hand?”


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