I become a SheEO After Dirvorce

Chapter 342

Chapter 342

Chapter 342

Chapter 342

Norah was getting ready in the dressing room.

In the lounge on the other side, Ezra was pacing back and forth, cursing at the person on the other end of the phone.

“It’s been so many days now, and you still can’t find her?”

“How could you be so useless? Keep looking!”

“If you find her, immediately inject her with double the dose of tranquilizer and send her to a mental hospital under strict supervision! Don’t cause any more trouble!”

Ezra was furious. After hanging up, she slammed her phone on the makeup table.

At that moment, there was a knock on the door, and the makeup artist arrived.

Ezra quickly changed her expression to a smile.

Today was Norah’s wedding day, so she had to be happy!

The guests used the chip of the invitation to enter the hall and took their seats.

according to plan.

The wedding began, and Simon, dressed in a white suit like a prince charming, stood at the altar with an expressionless face.

He showed no sign of joy because this wedding was nothing more than a transaction to him.

Norah was not the one Simon wanted to marry, so of course, he had no reason to smile.

The host said some touching words, but Simon remained unmoved.

When the door opened, the bride appeared in front of the crowd.

Ezra held Norah’s hand and walked onto the stage step by step, taking her to walk to Simon.

Norah was so excited that tears welled up in her eyes.

She would soon marry the man she loved the most and become Simon’s legal wife!

From Norah’s perspective, Zayla had already been defeated and had no chance to turn it around!

It was her, Norah, who won everything in the end.

The host read the vows and asked the bride, “Do you take this man to be your lawfully-wedded husband?”

Norah took a deep breath, and the words “I do” were on the tip of her tongue.

However, the lights in the hall suddenly went out with a loud bang!

The door opened, and Zayla appeared backlit, wearing a long, custom made black dress and a pair of black high heels.

She swayed her slender arms and made a throwing gesture!

A bouquet of yellow and white chrysanthemums fell on the red carpet covered in rose petals!

All of a sudden, the crowd burst into an uproar! It was a complete shock!

Whether it was Zayla’s dress or the chrysanthemums on the ground, it seemed to symbolize that this was not a wedding but a funeral!

Everyone thought that Zayla was here to cause trouble! All of them revealed shocked expressions!

Only the man sitting on the right front row had a calm expression on his face. He quietly ordered Aziel, who was standing by the side.

“Protect her, safety. Keep up with us.”

“Yes, sir.” Aziel replied and disappeared into the darkness to carry out his work.

When Simon saw Zayla, he thought that she was still worried about him.

“Zayla, do you know what you’re doing?”

That bouquet of yellow and white chrysanthemums was too eye-catching!

Norah was furious when she saw it and roared in exasperation, “Zayla, are you crazy? Today is my wedding with Simon!”

“You’re divorced. You can’t be together with him again! Simon will soon become my husband. He’s mine!”

“Are you trying to steal my love? You lunatic!”

Looking at Norah’s crazy expression, an attractive smile appeared on Zayla’s face, making her even more stunning “Lunatic, you say?”

“The two of you are the ones who are truly lunatics!”

“How can the half-brother and sister get married?”


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