I become a SheEO After Dirvorce

Chapter 347

Chapter 347

Chapter 347

Chapter 347 Waiting for Your Consent

Zayla stared at him blankly, and out of the corner of her eyes, she saw the two contracts on the table shining in the reflected rays of the scorching light. And there was a housing gift contract in her hand that was too late to give away. She clenched it tightly and seemed a little at a loss for a while.

There was a deathly hush in the giant caravan, and only the breathing of the two of them could be heard… Zayla looked away and said, “I heard from Leroy that my parents decided to go to a holiday villa to spend Christmas, so I won’t be in Houston. I can’t be with you…” Lincoln chuckled and said, “Mr. Vargas agreed.”

“Let me spend Christmas with you guys together, “What did you say?” Zayla looked at him in shock. All of a sudden, her cell phone rang, and it was a call from her father. Zayla picked up the phone and got it

through. Theodore’s voice came… Theodore first praised Zayla for what she did today, and then went on scolding and told her to be careful about her personal security. After the foreshadowing, his chatter stopped, and he said with a face wreathed in smiles… “Sweetie, your mother and I decided to go to Glorio Mountain Villa for Christmas.” His tone was so gentle, vividly displaying a father’s love for his daughter. “Why go to the Glorio Mountain Villa?”

Zayla coughed dryly and said in a gentle tone, “This is the villa designed by your grandfather before he was alive. We thought it was a good way to memorize him, and we’ll bring his favorite Mist Mountain coffee…”

“Oh, you should come along with the general agent.” “Ahem, ahem, ahem…” Zayla were quite close, he naturally heard the conversation between her and her father.

Lincoln leaned over and said in a low voice beside the mobile phone Zayla was holding, “Mr. Vargas, I’ve already told her.” When Theodore heard Lincoln’s words, he coughed violently… “Ahem, cough,

you two… are together?”

“Yes.” Replied Lincoln with a firm tone as he raised his eyes to look seemed a bit strange… She looked at Lincoln’s meaningful expression and suddenly came to light!

Did Theodore misunderstand their relationship? She hurriedly explained, “Dad, we’re…” “Alright, don’t explain. I’ve been there. I know you’re going on a date with him.” “Since Lincoln has already told you about this, I shouldn’t have taken the trouble to call you.”

“Okay, you guys go on with your date.” As soon as he finished speaking, Theodore ended the call, leaving no chance for Zayla to speak… Zayla listened to the beeping tone on the other end of the phone and looked at

Lincoln, who had a smile hanging on his lips. She was so angry that she had the urge to hit him! “Lincoln!” Zayla clenched her small hand into a fist and smashed it down toward his strong chest! Lincoln gave a laugh and held her slender wrist.

He lowered his head and observed herexpression at this moment. “Are you angry?” He coaxed her.

Zayla did a double-take before hurriedly raising her head to look at him, but the tip of her nose touched his at this moment.

The scorching breath sprayed, making her cheeks itchy. She held her breath and wanted to back away, but he grabbed her back “Girl, I’m waiting for your consent.” “W-what?” “Spend Christmas together, huh?”


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