I become a SheEO After Dirvorce

Chapter 370

Chapter 370

Chapter 370

Chapter 370 Lincoln and Stephen Had a Fight

Zayla was embarrassed. Zayla thought Linda understood what she meant, but it turned out that Linda had totally misunderstood what had happened.

To prevent Linda from thinking further, Zayla immediately explained, “That house is a gift of gratitude!” Now, Linda really understood. “Ahem… a gift? I’m sorry that I misunderstood the situation.” It was a big mistake, an outrageous mistake.

After the call, Zayla browsed through the popular comments.

Originally, she thought that this matter would naturally be quelled after the police clarified it for her, the public opinion would also be suspended, and her innocence would be restored.

But unexpectedly, it became more and more intense. Someone even specially registered an account on Twitter to analyze the situation. After reading it, Zayla found that the netizens’ analyses were all reasonable, but none of them were right. These netizens wouldn’t stop until they got enough evidence. Moreover, the election for the Houston Chamber of Commerce president would be held tomorrow. Zayla had no idea who had attacked Ezra and Norah.

However, she knew that the person who arranged all this was trying to frame her and hinder her from being elected as the president of the Houston Chamber of Commerce! Even if she had enough alibis, rumors are hard to quell! novelbin

After much deliberation, Zayla decided to prove her innocence by herself! But the best evidence to prove her innocence was that embarrassing drunk record of her. Thinking of this, Zayla fell into deep thought.

“Got it!” Zayla went to the equipment room to look for the surveillance video. According to the police report, the attack on Ezra and her daughter occurred at 11: 35 pm last night. At that time, she was holding an umbrella and leaving the villa to find Lincoln by the street lamp. At that time, the big clock in the central street of the villa showed that it was 11:34 pm. That could prove that she had no time to commit the crime! As long as this video was made public, it was enough to prove her innocence. After finding the video, Zayla moved the mouse and was about to turn off the surveillance video, but she accidentally pulled the progress bar!

She was instantly stunned at what she saw. She saw that Lincoln and Stephen were fighting on a rainy night. What was going on?

Zayla quickly adjusted the surveillance and checked the footage at that time. After Lincoln sent her back, he was door of the villa. Zayla didn’t know what they were discussing, but the argument quickly turned into a fistfight!

In the end, a shining pistol was aimed at Stephen! Zayla covered her mouth to hold back a scream. Why did they fight? Why did Lincoln point a gun at Stephen? Stepherr’s warning echoed in her ears! Zayla felt her mind was a mess.

Outside the door, Leroy’s voice sounded. Zayla immediately performed irreversible delete processing on the surveillance footage. Leroy.” She opened the door and called out.

“Ms. Vargas, it turns out that you are in the equipment room. Dinner is ready. Do you want to eat now?” Zayla nodded and asked, “Has Stephen come back?” Zayla wanted to get to the bottom of this! Leroy was stunned, then answered, “Huh? Mr. Stephen Vargas went on a business trip early in the morning.”

“Is Stephen on a business trip?” Now, it was Zayla who was surprised. “Yes, didn’t he tell you, Ms. Vargas? He left this morning when it was still dark.” Leroy said with a confused expression. “Where did Stephen go?”

“He went to Britain. There was a port that wanted to outsource, and since the royal family owns all Britain’s ports, it’s rare for them to outsource, so Mr. Stephen wanted to try to take this chance to expand the business of the Vargas Group.” Zayla nodded and didn’t ask any more questions. However, she seemed deep in thought.

In the past, Stephen would always tell her when he went on a business trip, even if it was an impromptu one, he would send a message to her. But this time, he didn’t tell her. Zayla pursed her lips and nodded. She didn’t ask any more questions. Leroy immediately went to prepare dinner. Zayla dialed Stephen’s number, but no one answered.

When dinner was over, it was completely dark outside. Zayla redialed Stephen’s number, but no one answered. Besides, his phone was completely turned off! Why didn’t Joseph answer the phone? Zayla felt her heart sink and couldn’t help but feel worried.


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