I become a SheEO After Dirvorce

Chapter 379

Chapter 379

Chapter 379

Chapter 379 It’s None Other Than You

Zayla looked up at the towering building in front of her, which was also the location of the election hall. She looked down at her phone, focusing on the dialog box with Lincoln.

Before the Line message that just came, there were two other Line messages he sent during the election. The first one concerned the absence of Prince Lincoln in the parliament.

And the second one was his firm saying: [Zayla, the president of Houston Chamber of Commerce is none other than you.] “It’s none other than me…” Zayla murmured. She clenched her phone tightly, her delicate eyebrows frowning.

Until now, Stephen had not replied to her Line message, nor had there been any other messages. Why did Lincoln fight with Stephen that night? And why did Lincoln point the gun at Stephen?

And as for the election today, how did he know that Prince Lincoln did not participate in the parliament? Zayla was still full of doubts. After thinking for a while, Zayla decided to go to the roof. She needed him to clear her doubts.

Zayla walked toward the building. The election had just ended, and some representatives hadn’t left yet. Seeing Zayła walking in quickly, they were all puzzled, but they didn’t forget to nod and say, “Congratulations.”

“Ms. Vargas, this way.” Aziel was already waiting at the elevator. After seeing him, Zayla walked toward the elevator where he was and walked into the elevator with him. The elevator doors closed, and the representatives outside were all bewildered.

owner of Apricot Building?”

“The man just now should be the bodyguard of the boss of Apricot Building.” “Who is the boss of Apricot Building?”

Hearing this question, other representatives looked at each other and shook their heads one after another.

Everyone looked shocked. The meeting hall of Apricot Building was second to none in Houston. Every representative’s company had rented it.

But they had only been in touch with the manager of the building, and no one knew the boss behind this scene. However, the elevator that Zayla got on just now was indeed exclusive for the boss! Even the manager of Apricot Building could not use it!

They agreed that Zayla and the behind-the-scenes owner of Apricot Building had a very close relationship. Zayla won the election without effort today. And some representatives were not convinced. Seeing this scene, they even scoffed.

“Zayla is Simon’s ex-wife. After the divorce, she got in touch with the CEO of the Vargas Group. She even dated different young gigolos, either obedient or bossy. And now, she has an ambiguous relationship with the boss of Apricot Building. Zayla still argues that she doesn’t rely on men to get her position. Ridiculous!” “How can a beautiful woman not be preferred by others? Zayła is so pretty. Just get used to it.”

“That is right. It is a foregone conclusion that she is the president of the Chamber of Commerce. No matter how many men she is related to, as long as she can bring benefits to the Chamber of Commerce, she is a good president.” For these representatives, nothing mattered more than benefits!

As long as Zayla could bring them benefits, they had no right to blame her for her private life. The other representatives nodded, agreed, and left Apricot Building one T… after another.

The elevator went straight to the eighty-eighth floor. After getting out of the elevator and turning right into the corridor, there was a spiral staircase. Aziel said with a smile, “Ms. Vargas, Mr. Nash is waiting for you upstairs.”

It was known to all that Apricot Building had eighty-eight floors. Unexpectedly, the building was so unique that there was an eighty-ninth floor, was it? The glass spiral staircase looked extremely crystal- clear against the light. When Zayla went upstairs, what caught her eyes was…


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