I become a SheEO After Dirvorce

Chapter 383

Chapter 383

Chapter 383

Chapter 383 She Must Leave Safely

“I can go back with you.” “But she must leave safely.’ When the man heard this, he nodded immediately, “I agree! She can leave!” “I don’t agree!” Zayla’s eyes were shocked. She shook her head and tried her best to stop it! She reached out and grabbed Lincoln’s sleeve with a serious expression… “Lincoln! We must leave together!” “You can’t go back with him! It’s too dangerous!”

As Lincoln looked at her anxious face, his dim eyes became bright at this moment.

“Are you worried about me, or reluctant to leave me, or falling in love with me?”

Under such an urgent situation, a hint of humor was still heard in Lincoln’s tone.

Zayla’s eyes were red, and there were crystal teardrops on her long and curled eyelashes.

She blinked, and the moment tears fell, Lincoln gently wiped them away with his hand…

Before she could speak, he pinched her little head, lowered his head, and kissed her!

Zayla’s eyes were wide open, and her heart beat like a drum. She didn’t know how to react, so she tightly clenched the little hand holding his sleeve and then grabbed it tightly. This kiss was very deep, and this one-handed hug was also very tight, as if Lincoln wanted to rub her into his blood and hide her in his heart…

Zayla, his little girl, was sweet and soft. This time, he kissed her openly.

Lincoln smiled. His smile became brighter, and his voice was hoarse. He promised in her ear…

“For your answer, I will come back alive.” The moment the words fell, Lincoln let go of Zayla and pushed her toward Aziel! Aziel had no choice but to follow the order and drag Zayla into the car!

Zayla shook her head, tears streaming down her face. She changed from clutching his sleeve to holding his palm. This was the first time she took the initiative to hold his hand! “Lincoln!” Zayla shouted, “No! You can’t go with him!” Zayla didn’t know what kind of deep hatred there was between the two of them, but they must be hostile! After Lincoln left with him, what would happen next… Zayla didn’t dare to think about it further! She didn’t dare to! “Lincoln! Don’t trade your own life!” “Don’t you want to know my answer? Don’t go with him, and I’ll tell you… I’ll tell you now!” “We can break out. We can try, even if it is a desperate attempt…” Her voice trembled and choked…

The tears accumulated in her eyes, and the distance between them gradually distanced, making her vision more and more blurred. She couldn’t see his expression clearly at this moment, but Lincoln never put down his hand holding the gun…

Lincoln looked at her eyes without any hostility, and a faint smile appeared She shouted without hesitation! Enough, it was enough.

“Yes.” Aziel carried out the order and dragged Zayla into the car! Zayla tried to fight in close quarters to break free from Aziel’s control, but she couldn’t raise any strength. The holding hand was released at this moment, and a card-like object was stuffed into Zayla’s hand. She was dragged into the car! In the next second, the door closed and locked. Zayla slammed on the car window, calling Lincoln’s name over and over again.

Aziel started the car, turned around, and left! The bodyguards gave way in unison. Aziel speeded up and drove away! Zayla’s palms that were patting the car window were red. Lincoln disappeared from her sight.

Her tears were welling up. Her heart seemed to have been torn into a great hole, and the blood was pouring in profusely. The pain spread through every limb and bone, draining the last bit of strength from her. She fell limply and sat in the car, and her eyes were empty.

Returning to Apricot Building and receiving absolute protection, Aziel fired a signal flare into the sky. He was sending a message to Lincoln. Under countless guns, Lincoln also put down the gun that was pressing against his temple.

Brendis winked at a bodyguard. The bodyguard swallowed his saliva, obviously fearful of Lincoln. Brendis was so annoyed that he raised his leg and kicked him out, even cursing a few times!

The bodyguard timidly said, “Your Highness, I am sorry to offend you.” Lincoln snorted coldly. With a click, the handcuffs were locked, and he was led away. “Isn’t Zayla just a divorced woman? Does she have such a great charm that you took the risk even if you knew it was dangerous?”


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