I become a SheEO After Dirvorce

Chapter 387

Chapter 387

Chapter 387

Chapter 387 Mr. Nash Became His Son-in-law

“Lincoln Nash, isn’t he?” “When did he become your son-in-law?”

“He would kill for you, and you were willing to undergo the most severe trials for his sake. You love him, don’t you?”

“We haven’t got married yet…” “Then go to the courthouse and get married.” Zayla made no response. An hour later, Zayla took the flight to Britain.

Although Theodore and Scarlet were worried about Zayla, they had to let her go since she had grown up and had her own thoughts. What’s more, they were well aware of Zayla’s character. She was unstoppable once she got an idea. “Honey.” Theodore patted Scarlet’s shoulder, “No worries.

You know, the fortune teller once predicted that our daughter was a lucky girl. When she comes back, we will have a handsome son-in-law.” “Do you believe what the fortune teller said? He might just say it to please you. Besides, do you dare to accept this son-in-law?” “Why not? As long as he agrees. I wouldn’t mind it if he lived with us. Scarlet looked at Theodore with a helpless expression. “I finally know what she had inherited from you.” “What’s that?”

“The gut.”

Theodore was silent. After arriving in Britain, Zayła demanded to see Joe. “Have you found Lincoln?” This was the first sentence Zayla said when she saw Joe before she saw him clearly.

She was desperate to know whether they had found Lincoln or his whereabouts. Any information about him would be great news to her. However, Joe didn’t speak anything and just stared at Zayla silently.

The atmosphere soured. It was only then that did Zayla see his face. Joe happened to share a resemblance to Lincoln.

He had one pair of eyes, a nose and a mouth, with no distinguishing marks.

“Ms. Vargas, I look better than my fourth brother Lincoln, right?” “Nonsense, he’s much more attractive than you.” Zayla snapped. “Why? I don’t think I’m inferior to him.” Instead of answering Zayla’s question, Joe asked something else.

Zayla didn’t want to talk nonsense. She took out a portable mirror from her bag and handed it to him. “Don’t you look at yourself in the mirror?” Joe could do no other than laugh.

“You’re really sharp-tongued. I wonder if you’re skilled with guns. If you want, we can have a race.” Zayla glanced at Melvin and Aziel who were not far away. They were quite confused about Joe’s behavior.

Joe’s bodyguard handed a pistol to Zayla the next second. Joe had already pulled the trigger, hitting the bullseye. Zayla glanced at the gun in her hand and raised it to aim at the target. But she moved the gun in the next second. She made a shot. She hit a grape on the distant fruit plate. That stunned Joe. “Wow, good for you. Lincoln was a magical shooter. What a perfect match you are. Can you be my teacher?” Joe gave a thumbs-up gesture and then made a sudden move to attack Zayla. Zayla cursed inside, “Shame on you.” She instantly recovered herself after being caught off guard.

She frowned, grabbed his hand, and forced his hand on his back. “Shit!” Joe winced at the pain since his arm was dislocated. “Didn’t you ask me why do I think you’re inferior to Lincoln?” “You lack some distinguish marks. Now you got it. Don’t mention it.” With an evil smile, Zayla finished talking and hit his dislocated arm. “Hey, you!” Jbe screamed in pain.

“What’s the matter? Oh, I see. Your arm is dislocated. Let it be. Learn a lesson.” “I’m new here, and you should bully me. Aren’t you afraid that Lincoln would be mad at you after he knew this?”


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