I become a SheEO After Dirvorce

Chapter 390

Chapter 390

Chapter 390

Chapter 360 Don’t Let You Go

The tall figure blocked the light from the roof of the car. His slender fingers grabbed her jaw, and he lowered his head to kiss her lips… Her eyes were sparkling and blurred. She fell fiercely into his quiet and shining eyes. They were as deep as the sea. The sharpness of the ebony agarwood mixed with his unique hormonal aura. It seemed to engulf her completely. The lights in the car dimmed at some point. His hoarse voice rang in her ears…

“What’s mine is yours.” My lady, you said it yourself.” Zayla blinked. Her long and curled eyelashes were trembling. She was drunk. How could she understand his words? She was looking for the wine eagerly. “Where is the wine?” “I gave it to you just now.” He hooked his lips and smiled wickedly. “Fraud!” She was angry!

“Lincoln is a bastard. He took away my wine, lied to me, and even kissed me! He is my enemy!”

Zayla was about to beat his chest. Lincoln was worried her hand would hurt, so he immediately grabbed her wrist.

Under the influence of alcohol, she became more and more sleepy. She fell limply backward, leaning against the seat. Soon, she fell into a deep sleep. Seeing this scene, Lincoln chuckled. He gently pulled her into his arms, wrapping her tightly in his long woolen coat.

Then, he opened the car door, hugged her and walked towards the villa.

After fingerprint identification, the door was opened. Lincoln carried her into her room and put her on a soft bed.

He was about to take off the woolen coat that wrapped her, but she unexpectedly held it in her hand tightly and didn’t let it go. She turned over with his coat in her arms and fell back into a deep sleep

again. Lincoln stood beside the bed, watched

her sleeping face, and laughed. She said he was a bastard and her enemy. So she took away his coat? This was funny! After a long time, he tucked her duvet and turned around to leave.

Zayla’s dreaming voice sounded at this moment. “I won’t fall in love with Lincoln…” promised my brother… I will definitely do it…” His footsteps froze.

In the room, only the floor lamp was dimly lit. It couldn’t illuminate his expression at this moment. The moment Lincoln went downstairs and opened the villa door, someone attacked him hard and sharply! Lincoln was agile and dodged quickly! “Boom!” The man hit the door hard!

“Lincoln, what did you do to my sister?” Stephen, who was always gentle, roared in a low voice. He didn’t want to disturb Zayla, so he blocked him at the villa door! Lincoln sneered, “It has nothing to do with you.”

“Lincoln! I advise you to stay away from my sister! The farther, the better!” Stephen clenched his fists suddenly and said unceremoniously.

“You want me to stay away from her?” Lincoln’s eyes darkened. He stared at Stephen, “Over my dead body.”

At this moment, he hid all his hostility and tried his best to stay calm. For no other reason, than this was her home, and Stephen was her brother. “That’s easy!” Stephen rushed up in an instant!

Water splashed! They started to fight ferociously! Their superb fighting skills were neck and neck! On this night, it was hard to tell the winner! Lincoln was slightly better! But Stephen’s moves were fatal. He was completely fighting for his life!

He really meant it. For Zayla’s life, he wanted Lincoln to die. In his opinion, that was the only way to get rid of Lincoln forever! Even if his hands were stained with blood and cost his whole life, he would do it for Zayla! Lincoln saw his tricks and also guessed his thoughts!

He took advantage of Stephen turning around, blocked his attack with both hands, and retreated. Stephen rushed over again. A shiny gun was aimed at him! “Step aside!” Lincoln didn’t want him to die. After all, he was Zayla’s brother.

He didn’t want to break her heart. If it were somebody else, the person would be dead. Stephen clenched his fists tightly and said, “Lincoln, don’t forget your real identity! If you don’t disappear from Zayla’s world, I will tell her who you really are!” Lincoln sneered. He didn’t care.

“Before threatening me, make sure yourself is clean.” “If my identity is exposed, your identity cannot be hidden either.” Stephen was astonished. Lincoln knew his identity?! How could that be?

“What are you talking about? My identity is the president of the Vargas Group. I’m Zayla’s brother!”


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