I become a SheEO After Dirvorce

Chapter 399

Chapter 399

Chapter 399

Chapter 399 A Battle in the Colosseum

Zayla looked up. It was stomach medicine. Anton was about to leave. Zayla stopped him and handed him a pack of cigarettes and a box of sheaths.

Anton looked at her and frowned. “Do we have nothing to do with each other?” “Yeah.” Zayla nodded. “Well, I don’t need that. I used to eat and drink for free here. The stomach medicine is a reward.” With that, Anton put the medicine on the table and walked away. Looking at Anton’s back, Zayla shouted, “Are there many bad guys in the Colosseum?” Anton looked back at her, thinking that was a ridiculous idea of an eighteen-year-old girl. “Do you think I’m a bad buy?”

Zayla nodded but shook her head later. “Can’t you tell if I’m a good or bad guy?” Zayla nodded affirmatively. “If I meet you, I will spare you.” Hearing Zayla’s words, Anton laughed. “Have you watched too many TV series?

You are thin and weak, but I am a team leader in the Colosseum. Do I need you to spare me?” “I can’t tell whether you are a good guy, so I am speaking metaphorically.” “Well, you are educated.” Anton waved at Zayla with a smile and walked away. When he reached the door, he stopped.

Then, Anton said solemnly, “Here is a jungle world. Only with enough money and power can we have the right to speak.” After finishing his words, Anton straightened his coat and left. Zayla was speechless. She looked at Anton’s back and turned her eyes to the stomach medicine. After taking stomach medicine, Zayla felt better. Zayla didn’t know what had happened to Lincoln and dared not to think about his wounds. At dusk, Zayla saw Martin, who delivered the goods. She told Martin she had found several weak points in the Colosseum. As long as enough explosives were placed at those points, the Colosseum could be destroyed. That was a chain reaction. There must be no mistakes.

Martin confirmed each point with Zayla again and again and the amount of explosives needed. The amount was not large but not small. Martin would replace the goods with explosives and transport them

to the Colosseum the next day. And he must not fail.

As for how to place the explosives, Martin told Zayla not to worry. He would have the staff, who had been planted in the Colosseum for years, do it. Before leaving the warehouse, Martin looked at Zayla and repeatedly told her to take care of herself and leave in chaos the next day. Zayla nodded, showing that she understood. After Martin left, the warehouse fell silent. Everything waited for the next day.

The next day, the plan went ahead step by step. The explosion time was set at twelve o’clock in the evening, which happened to be the last battle of the Colosseum. Zayla pretended to be calm and counted the goods on the shelves. Suddenly, Zayla heard the sound of footsteps outside. There was a scuffling noise. “Have you heard that? At twelve o’clock, a good show will be had in the Colosseum.” What show? The handsome guy in the basement will battle with Lion, the Treble.”


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