I become a SheEO After Dirvorce

Chapter 408

Chapter 408

Chapter 408

Chapter 408 The Help

Lincoln was smiling. But when he heard Zayla’s last words, he couldn’t laugh anymore. It turned out that he was just something incidental. Zayla really made him excited. “Well…”

He clutched his chest and coughed violently. The wound on his chest and back hurt. “How are you? Is your wound open again? I’ll find a nearby hospital and take you there!” “No.” Lincoln stopped her, “Boise is not safe.” Then what should we do? Your injury can’t be delayed any longer!” Zayla was not familiar with this place.

“Go to Black Ridge Town.” Lincoln said in a low voige. “Is it safe there?” Zayla was a little worried. “Yes.” Through the rearview mirror, Zayla saw his affirmation and thought, “Black

Ridge Town should be his domain, right?” Lincoln was really poor! Brendis still had the colosseum and had more than half of the power in Boise. How could Lincoln only have a small town?

Zayla drove to Black Ridge Town. Along the way, she was thoughtful. Or she could spend a lot of money to support him. No! She could help him. She was going to spend a lot of money to help him!

Zayla decided to make a plan for the first time! She gripped the steering wheel tightly and made up her mind that the next step was to just do it! When Lincoln looked at Zayla sitting up

straight and saw her hands holding the steering wheel tightly, his eyes flickered slightly. What was Zayla paying attention to again? Would she make him excited again?

Right now, the colosseum exploded, and it was not known whether Brendis was dead or alive. But for a person like him who did all kinds of evil, living was a waste. She just hoped that Stephen was safe. Late at night, the entire Boise was in turmoil. Those who went to the colosseum for fun were either rich or powerful!

Everyone was paying close attention to the latest situation of the colosseum! No one noticed that a vehicle quietly drove away from Boise in the night full of gunpowder smoke, heading for the small town thirty miles away.

Zayla found that the road was hard to drive. And it was difficult to follow the navigation. There were many rugged mountain roads. Only a few meters away from the vehicle was the cliff… When they arrived in Black Ridge Town,

it was already dawn. From a distance, Black Ridge Town was no different from the towns she had been The cars on the road were also colorful, not only black. “We’re here.” Zayla said out loud.

But there was no movement in the back seat… Zayla became anxious instantly, and she quickly turned her head to look, only to see that he had fallen down in the back seat of the car!

“Lincoln! Lincoln! Lincoln! Wake up!” Zayla’s eager voice sounded. She kept calling, but she couldn’t wake him up! Regardless of what happened, she rushed out of the car.

She immediately grabbed the handle, ready to get in the car, and check his situation! At this time, more than a dozen blackcars drove up from all directions and surrounded them!

Unless she could fly, she couldn’t escape! Zayla knew that the situation was not good, but nothing was more important than Lincoln’s life! She frowned, ready to raise her hands. But at this time! A shiny pistol aimed at Zayla’s head! “Who are you? “What did you do to Mr. Nash?”


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