I become a SheEO After Dirvorce

Chapter 410

Chapter 410

Chapter 410

Chapter 410 Enemy or Friend

Suddenly, a girl wearing a white coat, about seventeen or eighteen years old, ran up. “Bonnie? Why are you here?” Iowa looked at Bonnie Meeks, “Shouldn’t you go to school right now?” “I’m on my way to the school, and I happen to see it.” “Bonnie! This place is completely different from your school. Do you think I am a fool?” “Iowa… Don’t be angry.”

Bonnie hugged lowa’s arm, shaking it from side to side, like a little girl acting in pettish. It’s okay to go to school later. The most important thing now is this woman!”

Then, Bonnie looked at Zayla and said again, “I think what Daphne said makes sense! Mr. Nash was found in her car, and he was unconscious and injured so badly. No matter what she says, she is all suspected!”

“You little brat, you came here to teach your brother how to do things before you’re an adult?” Iowa reached out and patted Bonnie’s forehead. Seeing this scene, Zayla was touched, and she thought of her brother…

One night had passed. What was the situation in Boise now? Was Stephen safe and sound? Did it not arouse suspicion? She pursed her lips, feeling worried for a while. Iowa looked at her, without sharp words, nor with a rebellious expression. He stated very calmly….

“Ms. Mallard, what you said is reasonable. If you really want to harm Mr. Nash, you won’t go to Black Ridge Town to throw yourself into the trap.”

“But… Mr. Nash was seriously injured and unconscious. We found him in your car. We can’t believe your one-sided words. As for your identity, we have to wait until Mr. Nash wakes up before you Can be innocent.”

“Then, Ms. Mallard has to live in the detention center in our town for a few days.” Zayla watched as Iowa called Lincoln Mr. Nash, and he was full of admiration for

Lincoln with his expression. She thought Iowa should be in the same role as Melvin and Aziel to Lincoln.

“He can get timely treatment, can’t he?” Zayla looked at Iowa with an extremely serious expression. Iowa nodded, “Of course, and it’s the best treatment with all our strength! To us, Mr. Nash means a lot! There must be no mistakes!”

Seeing Iowa’s firmness, Zayla nodded, “I believe in you.” Then, she raised her hand, indicating that Iowa could put handcuffs on hef. Towa was slightly taken aback when he saw her cooperate so well.

How could a real murderer stretch out her hand so actively? In fact, in Iowa’s heart, his suspicion of Zayla almost fell to the lowest. But for safety reasons, he had to lock her up. But these handcuffs… Iowa shook his head.

“I trust you too, Ms. Mallard. “There’s no need for handcuffs. The detention center has made you a weak woman very wronged.” Zayla looked at Iowa and smiled slightly.

If it was the past, she would think that Iowa was a modest gentleman. But when she thought of Lincoln… No, she couldn’t think about it. That gentleman had turned into a silver-haired gigolo with her! Soon, Zayla got into the black vehicle, and she was brought into the detention

center and locked up. Daphne said with some dissatisfaction, “Iowa, do you just lock her up like this? That would be too easy for her! Look at the blood on the car, so much blood… Mr.

Nash must have been hurt by her!” Jowa glanced at her and asked back, “Do you know what kind of responsibility you have to bear for shooting in the street?” Daphne didn’t dare to speak immediately, and she moved and hid behind Bonnie.

“Iowa, it suddenly occurred to me that I didn’t get the materials for school. Let Daphne go home and get it for me!” Then, Bonnie immediately pushed Daphne. Daphne hurriedly answered, “I’ll get it for you right now.”

After her words fell, she left quickly. Iowa looked at Bonnie and shook his head helplessly, “Why did you help her?” “Iowa, Daphne is also a poor person… If it wasn’t for Daphne’s father, I might have been assassinated.” fowa frowned, “You are a kind girl.””

“That is right, the kindness will be repaid. Daphne is also thinking about Mr. Nash today. Rose is indeed very suspicious.” “Well, everything will be decided after Mr. Nash wakes up.’

“Then I’ll go to school first!” Bonnie waved at lowa. After Bonnie left, lowa looked at the vehicle which back seat was stained with blood. He always felt that this car looked familiar.

He immediately asked people to check the license, only to find out that it was the car of Brendis’ counsellor, Byron! Jamie, are you sure this is the car of Byron?” Jamie nodded, “Definitely!”

“Mr. Nash and Brendis have always been at odds with each other. So how could they drive the car of Byron?” Iowa was extremely puzzled. At this moment, Jimmy shouted, “Iowa, I found a luggage bag in the car! There is a

gun in it!” Iowa’s eyelids twitched, “Gun?” He didn’t expect that the woman named Rose would shoot. He quickly took the gun that Jimmy handed over and instantly recognized that it was indeed the gun equipped by Brendis’ men.

The identity of this woman was definitely not simple. Was she an enemy or a friend? Suddenly, Iowa’s cell phone rang. He answered the phone.

The dean of the hospital’s voice came, “Iowa, your friend has a high fever and is in serious condition. But fortunately, it is all skin trauma and there is no danger to life. However, many wounds are torn and there are already signs of festering. It looks like it has been hurt for several

days.” Iowa’s heart skipped a beat. He didn’t know what had happened to Mr. Nash during this time. And he had no way of knowing for a while.

The only thing he could think of was the explosion of the colosseum in Boise, but he didn’t know if it was related to Mr. Nash. “Edward, you must use the best medicine. My friend is very important!” “Don’t worry.” “Thank you very much, Edward.” Iowa thanked politely. “This is what I should do! By the way…”


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