I become a SheEO After Dirvorce

Chapter 412

Chapter 412

Chapter 412

Chapter 412 Fight Between Daphne and Zayla

This sound startled Daphne, who quickly withdrew her hand and leaned forward to listen. After confirming that he was calling Zayla, Daphne’s face immediately changed.

It had been only a year, but Lincoln had fallen for someone else already? Who was Zayla? Daphne felt her heart was bleeding, and her expression changed drastically at this moment! She was a well-known beauty in Black Ridge Town, but now, her face was distorted from anger and jealousy..

Daphne took out her phone to record, then left the hospital and headed to the cente town’s detention center. Daphne’s face was also a pass card to a certain extent.

She managed to meet Zayla. Sitting in the detention center, Zayla was worried about Lincoln’s injury, and at the same time, worried about her brother’s situation.

Zayla asked the people in the detention center several times if they knew the situation of the man who was sent to the hospital, but all the responses she got were shakes of their heads.

If they didn’t know about Lincoln’s situation, they certainly wouldn’t know about the situation of the military counsellor of Brendis. What’s more, she couldn’t ask. If she asked, they might classify her as a member of Brendis’ group.

As the saying goes, give a dog a bad name and hang him. For Zayla, the most important thing now was to stay safe and wait for Lincoln to wake up.

Looking at the iron fence with light shining through it, Zayla felt that a song appropriate to the occasion should be played at this time, “Tears Behind Bars”. “Iron gates, iron windows, and iron chains. Holding on to the iron windows, I Tooked out. How beautiful life is outside!” The lyrics lingered in Zayla’s ears. As soon as she turned her head to look outside, she saw Daphne.

Zayła stopped fantasizing about the beautiful life outside at the sight of Daphne. It was not very nice out there, not at all. She had to deal with this woman again. The iron door opened, and Daphne approached Zayla in high heels. “Rose! You really treat the detention center like a hotel!”

“This place is nothing compared with the hotel. Since you are so free, why don’t you help me renovate it?” Zayla’s rhetorical question made Daphne choke! “Help you? What are you? Look at you. Have you ever stayed in a hotel? You stayed in motels, right?”

Zayla looked at Daphne with her chin propped up and said with a faint smile, “It seems that you often stay in hotels, or how could you know so well?” There was an implication in her words that rendered Daphne speechless! Daphne was so furious that her chest was panting.

“Now that your identity is unknown, and you have injured Mr. Nash so badly, so you should worry about whether you can get out of here alive first!” “Listen, don’t have any ideas on Mr. Nash! Look at yourself. You are so ugly, yet you crave for what you’re not worthy of?” Zayla still propped her chin, without changing her posture. With a composed look, she felt a little sleepy instead of irritated by Daphne’s words…

Daphne, however, took Zayla’s silence as a way of her giving in, thinking that she touched a sore spot of Zayla.

Daphne was complacent and continued. The person Mr. Nash likes is me! He calls my name when he’s seriously injured and unconscious!” Zayla looked at her in disbelief. “Don’t worry. Since I say that, there is evidence.”

Immediately, Daphne took out her phone from her pocket, called up the audio, and pressed the play button. Lincoln’s voice came from the phone. One after another, “Zayla” suddenly knocked on the door of her heart. “Did you hear that?” “Zayla is my nickname!” “Mr. Nash has been calling my name!”


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