I become a SheEO After Dirvorce

Chapter 441

Chapter 441

Chapter 441

Chapter 441 Her Answer

“What?” Lincoln raised his eyebrows. His cold eyes turned gentle because of Zayla. He stepped forward, took Zayla’s cold hands, put them inside his coat, and held them against his waist. He bent over and got close to Zayla with his nose touching hers.

Zayla subconsciously wanted to step back, but he suddenly pulled her into his arms. Her face bumped into his muscular chest. She could hear his strong heartbeat. Pit-a-pat! His heartbeat was knocking on the door of her heart.

“I don’t understand. Can you explain it a little clearer?” Lincoln pretended not to understand and gave a cunning grin. Zayla pursed her lips and blushed. While her eyelashes shivered, the snow on them fell. Then her sweet voice spread around the silent viewing platform.

“See the snow in the sky? It’s my love for you.” Her answer was clear. Lincoln fixed his eyes on Zayla. He gave a gentle smile which he only gave to Zayla.

There would be gains if one worked hard for the goal. Lincoln had never wanted anything. He didn’t even care about the throne that he could easily get.

The only thing he wanted was just Zayla, who he had gotten from his nephew. At this moment, there were finally gains. Their love was pure and simple. He got his girl with his own effort.

Zayla said with a smile. Her smile was more beautiful than the snow. “Mr. Nash, are you satisfied with this answer?” “I love it very much.” Lincoln could say yes, but he said he loved the answer.

Obviously, this answer was very important to him. He had made the worst plan. What he feared the most was not death but regret. The air froze in their eyes at this moment, and so did the heavy snow. Zayla’s eyes were filled with mist.

Lincoln lowered his head and wanted to kiss Zayla, but Zayla was faster. She stood on tiptoe and quickly kissed him. Then she turned around in a hurry and looked at the snow in the distance, trying to cover her uncontrollable emotions. She had given Lincoln the answer. But Lincoln was leaving.

After calming herself down, Zayla took out two ribbons from her pocket. One was red, and the other was pink. “Do you know where this place is?” “Yes.” Lincoln looked at the huge stone not far away. There were some words on the stone,

“Stone for Love”. Zayla lowered her head and smiled. “It seems that the snow is not heavy enough. It can’t cover the words on the stone.”

“The villagers told me that this is the love stone known to all the people in the town. As long as we walk to the stone step by step and tie the ribbons on it, we will…” Zayla’s voice suddenly stopped at this moment.

“We will what?” Lincoln asked with a smile. Zayla buried her face in the soft scarf, trying to cover her flushed face, but she couldn’t hide her flushed ears. It was so embarrassing. She brought a man to the love stone on a

snowy day and asked him to tie the ribbons on the stone with her. But it was fine. After all, she had been bold enough to tell her love for him. Anyway, she couldn’t be shy. “We will…”

“We will…”


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