I become a SheEO After Dirvorce

Chapter 448

Chapter 448

Chapter 448

Chapter 448 Why Are You Here?

“No! Don’t touch me!” “Help! Help!” “Ah!” There were cries and screams at the same time. Zayla and Stephen followed the voice and rushed into the alley! They saw weak and helpless Bonnie was

pulled out from the corner by a pair of rough hands! Bonnie’s clothes were in a mess and most of them were torn! Stephen cursed and rushed forward.

He pushed the man away and kicked hard at the man’s abdomen. Then he pressed the man’s head and slammed it against the wall. The man’s head buzzed, and he fell heavily to the ground.

“Bonnie!” Zayla woke Bonnie up. Bonnie heard the familiar voice and opened her eyes. Then she saw Zayla. She was so scared that she threw herself into Zayla’s arms. “Zayla…” Bonnie sobbed.

“Don’t be afraid. It’s all right.” Zayla comforted Bonnie and wrapped Bonnie with her coat tightly, trying to help her leave. Bang! At this moment, there were more

gunshots! And it was getting closer and closer to them. Bonnie had never seen such a horrible scene. She was scared to death. After what had happened just now, she

was so scared that her legs shivered, and she couldn’t even stand! Seeing this, Stephen quickly carried Bonnie on his back. Zayla found a pistol from the man who

had fainted on the ground. She hid it in her sleeve in case of need. They were about to run out of the alley… A pistol was aimed at them! “Rose, you are here!” It turned out that these people came for Zayla.

Since they came for her, they just want to capture her alive. Zayla knew that the man didn’t dare to shoot, so she immediately winked at Stephen. Stephen ran to the pipe as a cover.

The man pulled the trigger at Stephen in a hurry, but the bullet hit the wall and the pipe. At this moment, Zayla pulled the trigger! Bang! She shot the man right in the head. The man fell to the ground. It was urgent!

The three of them ran out of the alley quickly. Bonnie trembled all over. She buried her face in Stephen’s neck, not daring to raise her head.

Zayla held Bonnie’s hand immediately. “Cheer up. My brother is not familiar with the road here. If we want to get out, you must show him the way!”

The more chaotic the situation was, the calmer one had to maintain if he or she wanted to escape. Bonnie raised her tearful face. Her eyes were filled with panic, and her voice trembled.

“Zayla… I..

“I believe you. You can do it.” Zayla

looked at Bonnie firmly and said. Biting her lips, Bonnie nodded seriously. “Okay, let me show you the way.” Zayla smiled at Bonnie and then looked at Stephen.

“Stephen, take good care of her. “You must get out safe.” Stephen frowned and realized there was something wrong with Zayla’s words. Zayla, what are you doing?” Zayla!”

Zayla pushed them into the chaotic crowd! Then she ran in the opposite direction. She pointed the gun at the sky. Bang! A gunshot! It attracted the attention of all the people around.

The target of these gunmen was Zayla. How could Zayla hide and get these innocent people hurt? Brendis, Rose is over there!” Someone shouted loudly.

The gunmen rushed toward Zayla from all directions. However, they were not familiar with the village, so they looked particularly stupid when they rampaged. Zayla had already got familiar with the village.

She shuttled through the alleys

and was ready to run up the mountain. She had a good sense of direction. It looked like she was running without a direction, but in fact, she was running toward the shortcut. She was going up the mountain. The thick forest was the best cover!

Zayla had kept the map of Black Ridge Mountain in her mind. And Brendis’ people were absolutely not as familiar ás her with the village! Zayla entered the nearest alley to the mountain road. Although the risk was great, it was worth taking!

She was about to run out of the alley and enter the dense forest. But several men rushed out! They blocked her way up the mountain. Brendis’ people had taken control of the whole village. Even if Zayla ran back now, she would not be able to escape.

The leader spat on the ground and said disdainfully. “Come on. Keep running! You run so fast!” “Let me see if you can run again!”

“A woman, an ugly woman! We have made so much effort to catch an ugly woman. It’s ridiculous!” Zayla knew that there were only two choices for her!

She would be caught alive if she didn’t shoot herself. She knew that once she was caught, Brendis would definitely threaten Lincoln with her. “I’m tired. I won’t run anymore.”

Zayla’s tone was calm and relaxed. She didn’t look flustered at all. “But now I’m a little curious about how you guys will feel if all your efforts are in vain.” As soon as she finished speaking, she raised her pistol and pointed it at her temple! “Brendis wants her alive!”

“Stop her!”

The men quickly rushed up. Zayla smiled coldly. She would never be caught! No one could threaten Lincoln with her. Bang! Thump!

Before Zayla pulled the trigger, she saw the men rushing up fall to the ground one after another. At this moment, she saw clearly the man who attacked these people behind their backs. “Why… are you here?”


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