I become a SheEO After Dirvorce

Chapter 454

Chapter 454

Chapter 454

Chapter 454 The Greener Grass

“The next second, he put it in the pocket of her coat. “I collected your things for you last night, and I will return them to you now . Zayla frowned and didn’t look at him.

She couldn’t understand why he changed so much. He knew the reason why she was going to Southbard, but why didn’t he stop her? When she was unconscious in the mountains, he could have attacked her at that time. And why did he walk with her on his back all night, regardless of the danger, and send her to the hospital for treatment?

He should be very clear that once he helped her, it meant betraying Brendis. A person like Brendis, who must take revenge, would never let him go!

“Why?” She finally expressed her doubts. Simon smiled but did not answer. He said calmly, “This is not a place to talk. For the sake of saving you again, trust me for now.”

“I booked a motel near the hospital. Let’s get out of here first.” Zayla nodded and left the hospital with him one after the other. In order not to be conspicuous, they had to put on some camouflage.

When they checked in at the worker at the front desk of the motel, they had to say that they were a couple. After all, it was impossible for a brother and sister of this age to live in a room alone.

The front desk worker wasn’t surprised, and they had seen a lot of “couples” who came to get a room at this time. After Zayla and Simon got the key, they walked toward the elevator. Behind them, several women at the front desk whispered to each other. “Do you think those two are really a couple?”

It doesn’t look like that at all. The man is so handsome. If you look at that woman closely, she has a sallow complexion and a sickly face. She looks like a consumptive ghost.”

“I also don’t think they are a couple. They don’t match by appearance. That handsome guy is really not picky.” “The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. Those women outside, no matter how ugly they are, still have a sense of freshness! All men are like this!” They kept talking about the two. The grass was always greener on the other side of the fence. Zayla heard it and smiled.

Simon’s expression was a little dignified, even stiff. It was like being poked in the spine. Didn’t he just ignore Zayla for the so-called childhood sweetheart before?

They took the small and dilapidated elevator and entered the room on the fourth floor. The room smelled damp and musty, and there was cigarette smoke from previous occupants.

Simon immediately opened the window to ventilate to avoid any discomfort for her. You take a rest for a while, and I’ll go out to buy you something to eat. Zayla didn’t speak but just walked toward the big bed.

Simon took the key and prepared to go out. Zayla thought for a while and said, “Be careful.” These two simple words made Simon smile. “Okay, I will.” After he left the room, he ventured into the streets.

He didn’t immediately go to the nearby food stand to buy food but went to the second-hand car market not far away. “Young man, I see that you really want to buy a car, and I won’t fool you. This car is really good, but there was an accident.”

“It just hit the rear of the car. There is nothing wrong with the car’s engine, and the mileage is very little. The owner of the car was not short of money, and he really cared about the accident stuff, so he sold this car.”

“If you want to buy it, I’ll give you a discount. How about 64 thousand?” Simon didn’t speak but tested the car himself and even used a jack to conduct a comprehensive inspection of the car.

After confirming that it was not bad, he bought it without hesitation. He paid the money immediately, and the seller was indescribably happy. But unexpectedly, Simon made another decision!


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