I become a SheEO After Dirvorce

Chapter 461

Chapter 461

Chapter 461

Chapter 461 He Was Out of Control

A golden light pierced the dark sky and echoed with the towering palaces on fire in the distance, making the night bright. Noises came from the distance, including gunshots, explosions, and the sound of tanks running… Lincoln’s deep eyes were like a pool of stagnant water!

His cold and terrifying aura turned into cold viciousness at this moment, making him like King Shura from hell! He grabbed Brendis’ collar. He turned over and pressed Brendis heavily against the car. Lincoln’s face was livid, and his eyes were scarlet!

He held Brendis tightly with one hand and pointed the pistol to his head with the other hand. “Say it again!” His voice was freezing. He stressed each word, full of murderous intent! Brendis clearly knew what Lincoln was going to do right now. His leg was hit and injured in the chaos.

As he was caught by Lincoln, it was difficult to escape. Therefore, Brendis wanted to see Lincoln in pain. He wants to torture Lincoln to relieve the hatred in his heart.

“I said Zayla was dead!”

“Look at you. You probably don’t know about it yet, right? I have already surrounded the village with people and captured Zayla!” The more Brendis talked, the happier he became. “Zayla was very delicate and juicy! After I slept with her, I threw her to my men. We need to learn to share…”

“But we only tortured her for three days. She is so weak. She couldn’t hold it and died.” “Do you know how she died?” “She was rotten!” After speaking, Brendis raised his head and laughed triumphantly.

Lincoln’s red eyes sank into the icy abyss again. He was overwhelmed with sorrow as if his internal organs were eroded by poison and cut by knives.

“Do you think I will believe it?” Lincoln remained the last composure. If he took one step forward, he would be in hell! Brendis smiled widely. “You don’t believe me? You can ask Iowa to see if I’m telling the truth!”

“The Meeks family is building the village again. Without Iowa’s permission, how could this money be from the Meeks family’s private account?” While speaking, Brendis took out a phone with a broken screen from his pocket and looked smug.

“Do you know this phone?”

It was Zayla’s cell phone! At this moment, Lincoln, who had always been calm and rational, lost control of himself uncontrollably! “I’ll fucking kill you!”

The muzzle of the gun pressed hard against Brendis’ temple. Lincoln pressed the gun very hard as if he was going to stab the gun into Brendis’ head.

Aziel was standing aside. He was too shocked to say a word, feeling sad for a while… He thought, “Ms. Vargas was dead?” Even he couldn’t accept it, let alone Lincoln.

Brendis continued to provoke Lincoln without fear of death. “Come on. Kill me!” Brendis knew very well he should be punished by the law even if he was guilty.

Once Lincoln pulled the trigger to kill him, he would be charged as a murderer! Since Brendis couldn’t get the power he yearned for, he didn’t want Lincoln to get “Why are you waiting for? I killed your woman. Kill me!” Brendis continued to irritate Lincoln. Lincoln gripped the gun and grabbed his collar more tightly.

His shirt sleeves moved down, revealing the lava rock bracelet… It was sent by Zayla. Lincoln lowered his eyes. He let out a cold snort and made an astonishing movement!


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