I become a SheEO After Dirvorce

Chapter 466

Chapter 466

Chapter 466

Chapter 466 Confrontation

Lincoln wore a cold face with a faint smile. “My ears automatically block the information I don’t want to receive.” Joe was shocked. Only Lincoln dared to talk to Jefferson like that. Jefferson stood up in a rage and threw the wooden box into the wheelchair as if it was not precious at all.

“The marriage between you and the Powell family was arranged before you were born. As long as you don’t go too far, I can turn a blind eye to your love affairs before you get married.”

“But you are a decent man. We’re satisfied with you and trust you. That’s why we allow you to leave our country for so many years. We thought you could settle down and get married after you had seen the outside world.”

“But you found a girlfriend outside? Do you know what your status is? Do you know what is on your shoulders in the future?” “Can that woman’s family background, wealth, and status be comparable to yours? Is she a match for you?”

Every word Jefferson said was from a father and a king’s point of view, and his every word was sincere. But none of the words Lincoln liked to hear. He looked up at Jefferson. They hadn’t seen each other for many years, and they Had just resolved such a family scandal. They should have bantered with each other, but now the atmosphere between them was tense. In the resplendent main hall, the atmosphere was frozen and cold.

“I’m not the eldest son, and I’m not interested in that position.” “On my shoulders, there are only responsibilities that I want to take on. “That is her.” Lincoln’s cold was so calm and powerful.

He was born to be a king, and he was the most suitable person for that high position, but he had no interest at all. Jefferson was enraged. He covered his chest and coughed fiercely. Seeing this, Miriam quickly supported him.

“Lincoln, you just came back. Can’t you say something good to your father?” When Lincoln saw Miriam, he covered up the hostility in his eyes. “Mother, although the words are harsh, I have to Say it.” Miriam sighed softly, “Since you were born, you cannot choose what you love.” “It’s up to me whether I can choose or not.”

The only person who could put shackles on Lincoln, restrain him, and make him surrender was Zayla! Jefferson sneered a few times and said furiously, “Lincoln, I’m not dead yet!

You can’t be presumptuous in front of me! Let’s see who’s in charge of this family and this country!” Facing Jefferson’s anger, Lincoln remained calm. “Our family and country are in your charge.”

“But my life is decided by myself.” After speaking, Lincoln bowed to Miriam and Jefferson. Then he turned around and left. Robert twisted his beard and liked Lincoln more. No wonder he was the Hephew that Robert admired the most!

When Lincoln was little, he was aloof and arrogant. Now he had grown up and even dared to fight against his father. Jefferson looked at Robert and said, “Can’t you say something?”

Robert nodded and immediately stopped Lincoln “Lincoln, look at you. You make your father so mad. “He could have lived another hundred years, but you cut off half of it! What a pity.”


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