I become a SheEO After Dirvorce

Chapter 472

Chapter 472

Chapter 472

Chapter 472 Did They Break up?

Lincoln looked to Iowa. “What was it?” “A thumb ring.

“With the royal emblem on one side, a Kraken on the other.” Lincoln’s eyes flashed. “You sure about this?” “The doctor on duty last night said it himself. He was so shocked when he saw it; there was no mistaking it.

“Plus, I brought up the surveillance footage, just to be sure. I am most definitely certain of it.” The royal emblem. The Kraken. That was his uncle’s thumb ring! Lincoln frowned as he remembered something from last night.

“The girl was awake.” Just a few words. But why would Uncle say that to his father? Lincoln immediately went to see Robert and explained why he came.

“What do you want with Rose?” Lincoln was Robert’s favorite nephew, but he had to stay sharp. He caressed his beard as if deep in thought. Did his brother ask his most trusted son to silence her?

I’m warning you, boy! If you still see me as your uncle, then listen to me. Don’t do something you’ll regret! Your father’s already a cad, and you need to keep it together!”

A question mark seemed to have appeared over Lincoln’s head. He already made it very clear that he only fancies Zayla. “What are you talking about?” Robert was bewildered. “Didn’t your father send you here to ask where Rose went, then silence her for good?” Another question mark appeared.

“She’s with me.” Lincoln didn’t plan on keeping it a secret. Even though she was so perfect that he secretly wanted to keep her all to himself, he also wanted the whole world to know that this little girl was with him.

Robert was dumbfounded, and only replied after a while. “What? you do intend to steal her, remember who you’re stealing from!

“Out of all the women in the world, you just had to steal from your old man. If this gets out, you’ll be made a laughing stock!” Robert was so flipped he forgot to caress his beard.

Lincoln’s dark eyes gleamed. Towa then explained everything to Robert, who then realized that he got it all wrong. Only then did Robert realize that he had misunderstood!

“So the girl’s your lover, huh?” He finally figured it out. been a big misunderstanding… I apologize!” Robert said with a smile; he felt so much better now.

His little brother was no cad, and the girl he took a liking to was his nephew’s missing girlfriend. The girl and his favorite nephew are a couple. Not bad. Robert complimented Lincoln on his choice of women, and then told him everything about Zayla arriving in Southbard.

Was it his girl who sent the note to his uncle at Southbard? But didn’t Father send the note by his right- hand man? How did it end up with her? Robert shook his head and said he had no idea.

He assumed Zayla was Jefferson’s right-hand, so he didn’t ask. ” You’re gonna need to wait for her to answer these questions. But she’s gone back to Harper, and she probably arrived by now. Robert sighed anxiously. “You were only one step too late. What happened?” łowa then told Robert about what had happened at the airport. “The Powells got some nerves!” Robert slammed hard on the desk. They gave the green light right after Lincoln stopped all flights. This was a clear humiliation to the royal family. “Uncle, you liked young Zayla, right?” “Zayla? That’s her real name?” Yeah. Zayla Vargas.” Robert liked this name infinitely more than Rose Mallard. He nodded satisfactorily and said joyously, “The girl’s a good shot. She’s the one that shot Brendis in the leg that day at the palace. “And when that son of a bitch detonated the bomb, it was also she who acted quickly and saved my life. I like her no less than you do.”

Robert’s reply proved exactly how much he appreciated Zayla. Lincoln asked with a fake smile, “How would you feel if she, too, called you uncle?” Robert looked at him, and answered without hesitation. “I’d like that a lot. “But you’ve already announced your engagement to Jasmine! I presume the girl rushed out of Kovis because of your engagement?

“I know that you’re not fond of Jasmine Powell; your father forced her on you. But do you really think you can settle things with a man like him?” His face was resolute, and his voice certain. “With your help, yes.” “I’m in. Tell me what you need.

Zayla stepped on the Harper ground, and felt at home. It was already midnight when she returned to Bridgeland Villa. Leroy had everything prepared for her return, even a new card for her new phone. He planned on keeping her cozy, and away from all troubles.

As usual, Zayla chatted a bit with Leroy, and drank his milk straight up. Then she bid him and Stephen good night, and returned to her room. She kept the phone she had brought from Brevan.

Simon was still missing, and even though she sent Robert his photographs and Information, it’ll still take time to find him, especially with that bastard, Brendis, on the prowl… After cleaning up, she tossed and turned on the bed. She knew that she should have made peace with it already, and got on with her life.

Yet she had already fallen for this man, and now she was supposed to forget him? That’s no easy task. Dawn approached, and Zayla barely fell asleep. Zayla’s Line rang the following day.

She picked up her phone, saw it was Ophelia Russo calling, and answered at once. Ophelia’s voice came in. “Zayla, are you back in Harper?” “Yeah. Just back last night.” “Zayla, did you break up with Lincoln?”


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