I become a SheEO After Dirvorce

Chapter 474

Chapter 474

Chapter 474

Chapter 474 Find Something Wrong

“A rag maker, no?” The girl’s face was ugly, and her hair was messy. Yet she could not break free, and screamed like a loudspeaker.

The security guard was already out but dared not step forward with Zayla holding her. Plus, it was an Aston Martin that was parked outside. Whoever’s driving that must be either rich or powerful.

They were very well aware of this, or they won’t be working at a place like Harper High School. But they also recognized the girl pinned down. That was the board director’s daughter! The guards didn’t know what to do and called the headmaster’s office at once.

Since it was noon break, they garnered a lot of attention. Someone from the crowd recognized Zayla. “Hey… That’s Ophelia’s sister-in-law, Zayla! Mr. Russo’s ex-wife.” “You’re right, but why is she all over Sylvia? And she’s wiping the car with her! That’s kinda cool.”

“Are you kidding? Sylvia picks on Ophelia all the time. She’s here to get her back for that.” Of course, Sylvia heard the chatters.

Realizing what was going on, she said, “Alright! I did pick on Ophelia, but only a couple times! I know I was wrong; I’ll apologize!” “But? Only?” Zayla repeated word for word and sneered. Her grip tightened. Sylvia screamed with pain. Her wrist was about to break.

“I made a mistake, and I know that already! I’ll never do apologize!” The crowd gathered. Even headmaster Grayson Cooper and dean got words and came.

They wanted to say something, But Zayla glared at them, and they froze right after all, the head of Harper Chamber of Commerce, and had to be respected.

Grayson knew how to be smooth and smiled. “Ms. Vargas, this was only children’s playful banter, and hardly counts as actual bullying. There is no need to take it seriously. “But I understand you. Ms. Tinkers was indeed at fault on this, and she had realized she was wrong. We knew nothing of this.

“But now that we do, we’ll take care of it. Rest assured. Now help me out here, will you?” Then Grayson stepped forward a bit and Towered his voice. “Ms. Russo did exceptionally well this semester. She was barely mediocre at first, but she scored top 50 in recent monthly exams.

“She’s about to transfer, yes, but this semester is almost over, and we’re evaluating. “As you know, Ms. Vargas, the evaluations of Harper High School have been very well regarded.” Zayla’s eyebrow twitched, and she turned to look at Grayson. “Are you threatening me?”

Grayson was intimidated by her chilling gaze. He shook his head and smiled to explain. “Ms. Vargas, you misunderstood. What I meant was, with all these students watching, it might not be helpful to Ms. Russo’s evaluations. Zayla’s eyes gleamed, and released Sylvia for the sake of Ophelia. Sylvia’s white uniform became stained with dust. It was horrifying to watch.

Zayla looked at her and said, “Now apologize to Ophelia.” Sylvia’s mouth twitched, but she was terrified of Zayla, and nodded reluctantly. “Yes, ma’am. I’ll go at once.” Sylvia gulped and bolted with these words.

Zayla then looked back at Grayson. “I’m here to make transfer arrangements for Ophelia.” Of course.” Grayson then immediately asked the dean to take her through processing. Zayla followed the dean into the school building.

Grayson smiled and asked the security guards to get the students back. After the crowd dispersed, Grayson walked inside and dialed his phone. “Mr. Tinkers. Something just happened at the school… “Wh-What? Ms. Tinkers already told you that?

“I’m so sorry, Mr. Tinkers. Zayla just became head of the Harper Chamber of Commerce; I had to cut her some slack! “And she’s got your daughter. Almost broke her arm…

“You’re coming? Yes, of course, I’ll Stall Zayla and keep her from leaving. “Don’t worry. I’m on your side.” Zayla followed the dean into the office. The dean took one call, then started the process himself.

The process was trifling and complicated. The documents that needed her signature rivaled her piled- up files at work. But still, Zayla made short work of them. She was so fast that she was speed-reading. The dean was shocked by this.

“Ms. Vargas… Did you read them carefully?” “I did.” Most of the files were garbage and insignificant. Only a few of them mattered. “Very well,” the dean smiled and nodded, then handed her another pile of documents. Zayla took a look; more garbage files to sign.

They even needed her signature for Ophelia’s bill at the school canteen. Is this a joke? She spotted in an instant that something was wrong and looked at the dean.


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