I become a SheEO After Dirvorce

Chapter 478

Chapter 478

Chapter 478

Chapter 478 His Engagement Banquet

“You!” Zayla pointed her finger at Sylvia. “You will write a ten-thousand-word reflection and read it in front of the whole school. Do you have any objections?” Sylvia didn’t agree with this, but she wasn’t foolish enough to ignore the situation.

“No, I don’t,” she quickly shook her head. She knew that Zayla was a tough nut to crack, even for her father, Regan. Zayla then turned her gaze to Regan, her expression and voice icy cold. “You will step down from the board of directors and transfer her within ten days. I don’t want to see her in Harper, understood?”

“Well, you can rest assured,” Regan replied briskly. After all, compared to losing the Vargas Group as a major client, these losses were nothing at all! Zayla shifted her gaze. “As for you all…” She sneered, “As school leaders, if you cannot fulfill your duties, either resign on your own or I’ll kick you out!”

The school leaders understood that if they resigned on their own, they could still find another school to work at with their qualifications. However, if Zayla fired them, it would be a scandal that everyone would know about!

This was a big deal! Without hesitation, they chose to resign and submit their resignations. Harper High School, a prestigious school with a century-long history, was backed by the Vargas family. When Ms. Vargas spoke, who would dare to object? Zayla turned and left.

Her cold and imposing figure, her chilling aura, showed everyone present the power of the Vargas family. Regan’s legs went weak, and he leaned against the wall for support.

The Harper Chamber of Commerce’s new president, Zayla, was actually Ms. Vargas from the Vargas family, who had been hidden away for over twenty years and never appeared in public!> Regan, who

roamed the business circles, couldn’t possibly not understand the purpose of the Vargas family hiding her away.


Zayla was the illegitimate child who had been watched by countless pairs of eyes since birth, an existence that had always been in the limelight!

The Vargas family spared no effort, using a great deal of resources to hide her away, not only to protect her but also to keep her away from the media and allow her to grow up happy and carefree! Regan thought to herself, “The Vargas family’s illegitimate child, Stephen, should not be underestimated.

“I never thought that this hidden illegitimate child was not only a woman, but also so powerful!” Ophelia was mistreated at school, and Zayla handled the Tinkers family with precision and even thoroughly cleaned the entire school leadership. up As it had always been, the capable ones succeeded. The incapable should step down!

In Zayla’s view, the school leaders were simply taking high salaries without doing their jobs, as if the Vargas family’s money had fallen from the sky. ” Soon, news of Sylvia’s transfer spread throughout the school.

All the students understood that Sylvia’s transfer meant the school was finally peaceful, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief. The few lackeys who followed Sylvia were appropriately punished and naturally received disciplinary action. Ophelia changed into fresh clothes and threw herself into Zayla’s arms.

“Zayla…” Ophelia sobbed loudly. “It’s okay. It’s okay. No one will bully you anymore.” Zayla comforted her gently, patting her on the back. “Thank you. Thank you…” Ophelia said with endless gratitude. “When did you become so formal with me?”

Ophelia wiped her tears and replied, “I’m not being formal. We’re family!” Zayla was taken aback by this statement, and Ophelia also hesitated, “I’m sorry, Zayla. Did I say something wrong?

“Oh, no, I’m sorry… Zayla, I shouldn’t call you Aunt.

“But… The transfer procedures require a family member to handle them, so I told my classmates that my aunt would come to take care of it.” As she spoke, Ophelia became somewhat sad. After all the things that had happened to the Russo family, Ophelia had grown up overnight. But this kind of Ophelia made Zayla feel uneasy.

If Ophelia finds out…> Zayla pursed her lips and decided to keep this from Ophelia. She smiled at Ophelia and said, “You can call me whatever you want. I don’t mind having another niece.” When hearing this, Ophelia smiled and quickly looked up.

The transfer procedures were complete, and Ophelia would come to the school tomorrow to receive her award and listen to Sylvia’s apology before taking the flight to Kovis the next afternoon. Zayla accompanied Ophelia back to pack her luggage. “Zayla, don’t you want to stop me? I’ve already filled three suitcases!”

Zayla shook her head and replied, “As long as you’re happy, you can bring as much as you want.” Zayla thought, “Harper was Ophelia’s hometown, and now she was leaving for another country. Whatever she wanted to bring with her was justified.” “Lincoln said I could bring as much as I want, but I really, really want to bring you with me!”

Zayla propped up her chin and laughed. “I’ll come to Kovis to see you in the future.” “How about… I tell uncle that I want to spend more time with you and delay going to Kovis for a few more days?”

“Are you reluctant to leave me? But you’re in your senior year now, the most crucial time.” Ophelia pouted, looking sad, and murmured softly, “I’m reluctant to leave you on the one hand, and on the other

hand… “I don’t want to attend Lincoln’s engagement party, not even a bit!”


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