I become a SheEO After Dirvorce

Chapter 484

Chapter 484

Chapter 484

The call ended abruptly before Zayla could ask any questions, leaving her with the sound of beeping in her ear. Zayla thought to herself, “I know Ophelia’s character. She wouldn’t have been able to fake those tears. They must have been genuine!” Her face tightened, and her hand gripping the phone froze in place before trembling uncontrollably the next second.

Before leaving the village, although his wounds were healing, they were not yet completely healed.

Did his injury worsen? Or did something . happen to him after he left? Was he unable to get timely treatment?> Zayla bit her lip, her mind in a jumble.

The day they announced their engagement, Zayla chose to leave Kovis, primarily due to Robert’s affirmative Words and Lincoln’s lack of resistance to their engagement. Knowing Lincoln as well as she did, Zayla believed that no one could force him to do anything he did not want to do.

Therefore, she had naturally assumed that he had willingly accepted the engagement with Jasmine. However, upon further reflection… Could it be that he was unable to resist due to his physical condition?

He had clearly followed me to the Kovis airport and would have caught up to me if he had arranged for a private plane to fly to Harper… But he didn’t… Could it be that his injuries were too severe, making it difficult for him to even board a plane?> Zayla thought about this more and more, ultimately deciding to call Robert. The phone was quickly answered, and Robert’s voice came through the line.

“Little girl, why did you think of calling me?”

Zayla bit her lip, knowing she couldn’t hesitate any longer. She told Robert everything about her relationship with Lincoln in great detail. Robert feigned extra shock, his voice full of surprise! “So! You’re Zayla that my nephew has been pining over?”

“Yes.” Zayla confirmed. Robert continued to pretend, regretting his actions. “If only I had known you were Zayla, the love of his life! I would have used any means necessary to keep you in Kovis!”

“Little girl, why did you leave? Do you know how much he cares for you? The engagement was entirely his father’s decision, made without even consulting him!” But at this moment, Zayla didn’t care about Lincoln’s engagement. Above all else, she was concerned about Lincoln’s current condition! Zayla hurriedly asked Robert, “What happened to Lincoln?”

“It’s nothing serious, just that Ophelia is a timid girl. When she heard that Lincoln was taken to the operating room, she became too worried and anxious. She couldn’t stop crying. If anyone saw her like that, they might think Lincoln was dead.

“I heard that the reason Lincoln was admitted to the hospital was that his wound had torn open, and his fever Wouldn’t go down. He doesn’t take care of himself, so who can blame him?” Robert explained.

“But from what I can see, his physical condition is so bad that he wouldn’t have been able to resist at the engagement banquet. His father has always been authoritarian, so the engagement is likely to succeed.” As Robert spoke, he couldn’t help but sigh repeatedly, his tone full of sadness and regret. “There’s nothing we can do. Perhaps this is just fate…

“It’s a shame that two people like you, who are destined to be together, have to be forcefully separated.” Zayla blurted out without much thought, No one can ever separate us!” Robert’s eyes brightened, but his voice was filled with sighs and sorrow once again.

“Little girl, I too would love to see Lincoln find happiness, but it seems that his engagement is already a done deal.”

However, Zayla felt no sense of dejection. Instead, she was full of confidence. Later, she asked for Robert’s help. After the call ended, Zayla didn’t even bother to pack her luggage. She left a note for

Leroy and Stephen and took the last flight to Kovis that night.

Robert was staring at his phone in confusion, completely unaware of what Zayla was up to… Despite being quite old, Robert could not comprehend Zayla’s requests, leaving him feeling completely lost and bewildered.

However, he did understand that no matter what Zayla asked for, he was to comply with her wishes, as Lincoln had instructed him to do. Though still perplexed, Robert immediately issued the necessary commands.

Following, the King of Tricks, Lincoln’s lead, he proceeded to send Zayla all the photos and videos of Lincoln lying in his hospital bed, adorned in special makeup and looking quite pale. The message was sent successfully.

As Robert gazed at the pitiful images of Lincoln on his phone, he couldn’t help but chuckle to himself, tapping away at the screen with his fingers. He truly is my favorite nephew!>

This engagement party was meant to be a grand affair that would capture the world’s attention! However, at Lincoln’s request, it was to be held in the utmost privacy, within th exclusive confines of a high-security estate, away from public scrutiny.


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