I become a SheEO After Dirvorce

Chapter 498

Chapter 498

Chapter 498

Chapter 498 Jefferson Was Angry

Miriam was speechless. Jefferson couldn’t keep calm. “What did you say? What did Lincoln do?” Janus thought, “Huh? Didn’t I express it clearly? I see!”

Janus looked at Marcus who was standing aside, went up to hug him, and then pouted to kiss him. Marcus was a married man in his thirties, and he didn’t like men.

He was scared by Janus, who pouted to kiss him, so he kept stepping back. Half of the sweater was torn off his shoulders, and he squeezed out a double chin!

“Stop it!” Jefferson said immediately after seeing this. Janus let go of Marcus and said very seriously, “Father, Lincoln did this to Zayla in bed! Do you understand?”

He might not have explained it clearly, but he thought he acted it clearly. Jefferson was over fifty years old. What kind of scene hadn’t he seen? But the scene of Janus hugging Marcus just now almost blinded him. What was most important was Marcus’ sweater was ripped off!

Did that mean that Lincoln and that woman… were almost naked in bed? Jefferson was fuming. Miriam hurriedly said, “After the new year, Lincoln will be twenty-eight years old. He is not underage, so it’s normal for him to do such a thing.”

“Did I say it’s not normal? If he doesn’t have this desire, I will think he has a problem!” “What annoys me is that he doesn’t do it at the right time?”

“If someone else saw this matter and spread it widely… he would have lost his reputation and fame.” Miriam didn’t have time to say anything.

The stupid Janus said with a confused face, “Father, the one Lincoln hugged and kissed is Zayla, who is a fairy! Why does he need a reputation and fafne? She is a fairy!” Jefferson was already angry, but

Janus’ words made him choke with anger. Jefferson looked at Miriam and said with a serious expression, “You find a brain specialist to examine him tomorrow.”

“He is your son. How can you say that he has a mental problem?” Miriam glanced back at Jefferson, and her tone was slightly reproachful. Then, she grabbed Janus and said, feeling angry and funny, “She is just a girl? Why do you keep saying she is a fairy?”

“Mom! Zayla is a fairy. She is pretty! She is a sharpshooter and even blew up the colosseum!”

Miriam couldn’t help being shocked. “Is what you said true?” Janus kept nodding his head. “Yes! It was her idea to blow up the colosseum. Then, Brendis had to act rashly because his back was against the wall!”

“On that night when the turmoil happened, that bastard Brendis wanted to escape! Uncle Robert failed to shoot him several times!”

“That bastard ran so fast that he was almost out of range of the shooting, but Zayla made a decisive decision and shot him in the thigh!”

“Brendis had no choice but to press the detonator. If Zayla hadn’t pushed Uncle Robert away in time, he might have been dead.” “Didn’t you know? Didn’t Uncle Robert tell you? I just went to find him, and he told me about it!”

Miriam looked at Jefferson, and the two looked at each other. Jefferson was as surprised as Miriam. First, she blew up the colosseum, then sent Jefferson’s note to Robert in Southbard. Then, she followed Robert into the palace and shot Brendis, who tried to escape in the chaos… She was the Chosen One who could influence the fate of Kovis.

Jefferson looked down at Blue Crystal on his body. He had to admit that this might be true. At the same time, Aziel walked in very respectfully under the guidance of a servant.

“Lincoln said that he hasn’t seen Janus for a long time and misses Janus very much. So, Lincoln asked me to come to invite Janus to his palace to have small talk.”


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