I become a SheEO After Dirvorce

Chapter 500

Chapter 500

Chapter 500

Chapter 500 Lincoln Was Under Zaya

“Have you found Simon?” Marcus lowered his head and said truthfully, “We have got nothing yet.” “Keep searching. We must find Simon. Only by finding him can we know why Zayla got my note.”

“Don’t worry. We have tried our best to find him, and I believe there will be news in a few days.” Jefferson nodded and asked again, “Have you checked out all of Zayla’s information?”

Marcus didn’t dare to look up and said truthfully, “Only the name, date of birth, and gender. We were already a step late in our investigation. All the information about her on the Internet has been hidden.”

“Because it is a cross-border investigation, it is a little difficult. I have already sent people to Harper, and I believe there will be results soon.” Jefferson stood up straight, with his hands behind his back.

“You are not just one step late.”

“I guess, as soon as Zayla arrived in Kovis, all her information had already been processed.” Marcus raised his head in astonishment when he heard Jefferson’s words.

Jefferson said slowly, “Lincoln has always been impeccable in doing things.” When Marcus heard that it was Lincoln, he was naturally convinced. After all… Lincoln was Jefferson’s only favorite son! “You have to move faster. I don’t want to see Zayla’s information until the three-month training is over. “Yes!”

“Aziel, think about it. If one Lamborghini can’t attract you, how about two?”

“Or what do you think of a villa in the center of Kovis? Do you want a sea view or a river view?”

“If you don’t like the car or the house, then bills! How much do you want?” Along the way, Janus tried frantically to bribe Aziel! But Aziel ignored him! “Aziel! Are you so loyal to Lincoln? Can’t you waver a little?”

“I have no choice, who let you mess up Prince Lincoln’s thing?” Aziel was a loyal supporter of Lincoln and Zayla being a couple! He would never be swayed by money! Here was the thing!

Lincoln and Zayla were already in bed and about to sleep together, but Janus rushed in and destroyed everything. As a supporter, he couldn’t forgive Janus! The bribe failed, and Janus was dragged in front of Lincoln. As soon as Aziel let go, Jánus stood up quickly. “Hi, Lincoln! You are so handsome! I love you!”

He looked at Lincoln who was sitting on the sofa and grinned to show his white teeth. He was obedient, way different from a playboy.

Lincoln sat on the dark gray sofa with his long legs crossed, exuding a terrifying cold aura all over his body. Janus wondered why it was so cold. His smile froze, and he felt that his white teeth were going to freeze off! He said tremblingly, “Lincoln, don’t look at me like that. I, I know I was wrong…”

“I thought Zayla was being bullied, so I did justice for her!” Lincoln smiled angrily. “Why did you think she was being bullied?”

After finishing speaking, he stood up abruptly. He was 6 feet 3 inches tall, which gave super oppressive pressure! Janus, who was 5 feet 11 inches tall, looked small in front of Lincoln. Janus was so frightened that he stretched out his hand to grab Aziel and hid behind Aziel.

“I saw you kissing her mouth, Lincoln!”

Then you didn’t see that I was under her?” Lincoln suppressed his blowout anger. Janus always thought differently. He didn’t nod or shake his head but asked something cautiously…


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