I become a SheEO After Dirvorce

Chapter 510

Chapter 510

Chapter 510

Chapter 510 She’s My Girlfriend

Suddenly! A hard object flew in from the car window! It was a signal jammer!

“Don’t forget your thing.” Jasmine turned her head to look out the car window, and when she saw Zayla who was smiling all over her face, her eyes widened instantly. Jasmine had clearly asked Terence to block the keyhole and put a signal jammer at the door so that Zayla couldn’t make calls for help. How did Zayla get out?

Zayla got into the car! When it was time, the convoy drove on the road. Janus, who hadn’t figured out what was going on, walked around the dance room and looked around.

He went around, looking here and there for Zayla. Until he entered the locker room and found a whole door panel that fell to the ground… “My dear… the fairy spells casting!”

Janus quickly took out his mobile phone, took a picture of this scene, and sent it to Lincoln. Lincoln, does this seem to be done by the fairy?” Lincoln, who received the message from Janus, saw this photo and replied unhurriedly, “It’s her.”

“Lincoln, why are you so sure?” “How can I not know my girlfriend?” Lincoln answered with great pride. Janus was speechless. He covered his chest…

He finally met the fairy whom he had a crush on, but who knew it would be such a heart-wrenching ending? His unrequited love came to an end. Janus sang in a clumsy manner, “You should say goodbye loudly. Even if tears arę streaming down, forget about this heartbreaking and tangled love…” Outside the door, the bodyguard following Janus asked in confusion, “Are you singing “Good Day”?” “Today is a good day, everything you want can come true…” What was the connection between these two songs? Janus stepped forward quickly and gave the bodyguard a punch!

“Fuck you!”

The convoy was driving smoothly, and silence hung heavily in the car. Zayla skillfully pressed the button on one side and the baffle inside the car rose, blocking the driver’s sight.

There were only the two of them in the back row. Jasmine panicked all of a sudden. She wanted to open the car door!

Zayla, who had expected that long time, grabbed her wrist one step ahead and pressed her firmly in the seat.

“Are you sure it’s not unnecessary to put the signal jammer?” “I just need to kick the door to get out. Do you think I need to use the phone?” Shock rendered Jasmine speechless.

What kind of woman was this? Zayla actually kicked open the locker room door! Maybe it was because of her new understanding of Zayla that Jasmine swallowed her pride and wanted to negotiate with Zayla.

“You have no power or influence. On top of that, you’re poor. Things won’t work out between you and Lincoln!”

“All of what you are doing now is useless. It is impossible for you to beat me!”

“Since I was a child, I was destined to be his woman! Let me tell you the truth, if it weren’t for the fact that you are the Chosen One, this training and campaign would never have happened!”

The king and the queen want to use a legitimate reason, a justifiable reason, and an upright reason to make you lose to me and make you shrink back from difficulties!” “It’s not too late for you to leave Lincoln, or else you’ll get nothing in the end!”

“As long as you leave him, I will give you 10 million dollars!”

Jasmine’s offer was very sincere, which proved that the Powell family was rich, and 10 million dollars was no big deal for them. Zayla’s expression remained cold, unchanged at all. Seeing this, Jasmine continued to raise the price. “20 million dollars!”

This time, Zayla just gavé a faint smile. Jasmine felt that Zayla should be tempted! But in the next second, Zayla’s answer was beyond her expectation!


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