I become a SheEO After Dirvorce

Chapter 516

Chapter 516

Chapter 516

Chapter 516 Lincoln’s Compelling Behavior

Before Zayla came to her senses, countless reporters fushed to her from all directions. The busy expressway service area was overcrowded. Sharp questioning voices came from all directions… “Miss, do you have anything to say about being Miss Powell’s competitor?” “Is there anything of you comparable to that of Miss Powell, your identity or background?”

“Did you know Mr. Nash’s identity a long time ago? Is that the reason you depended on him before he returned home? Is that your plan?” Among the bustling crowd, Zayla saw Jasmine standing in the lounge. Jasmine was holding a cup of coffee behind the glass and watching the show. Zayla understood everything. It turned out that Jasmine had been quiet all the way and was waiting for Zayla there.

The reporters kept asking questions, and flashes kept flashing. Someone was even crazy enough to put the camera before Zayla’s face.

Zayla knew that Jasmine was expecting her to show dissatisfaction and anger. However, Zayla couldn’t answer the questions.

It was not because the questions were sharp. No matter how perfectly Zayla answered, she would be misinterpreted. Zayla clenched her fists tightly and came up with the best way to solve the problem. It was to fall in a faint. Zayla staggered and was about to carry out her plan.

Suddenly, someone showed up in the crowd. He held Zayla’s waist and pulled her into his arms. Zayla smelled the familiar and refreshing breath. Zayla looked up at the handsome and angular face. At that moment, he was solemn.

He looked at everyone gloomily. Suddenly, the flashing lights stopped. The reporters with harsh and tricky questions also fell silent in fear. All the reporters pushed others forward and stepped backward

crazily. Lincoln held Zayla and lowered his head to kiss her. It was just a soft kiss to perfection.

“I have given you the answer you need.” Lincoln continued coldly, “It is up to you whether to report it.” With that, Lincoln held Zayla’s hand and led her toward the lounge. What Lincoln had done was compelling. Everyone had to profess their admiration for him.

The reporters kept asking sharp questions, but Lincoln answered them in the simplest way and even threw a question back to them. To report or not to report. It was a question. Before thinking about the question, the reporters had to think about another question. If they reported it, could they be alive?

Zayla looked up at Lincoln’s stalwart back. He was delicate and manly. Zayla was proud of her gigolo. Every time Lincoln strode forward, Zayla had to run to keep up with him. Lincoln also realized that. He chuckled and slowed down.

“Your legs are not long enough.” Lincoln looked back at Zayla, and his brooding eyes were full of laughter.

Zayla was stunned and looked down at her legs. Were they short? Anyway, she was 5 feet 7 inches. However, compared to his, they were not long enough. Zayla thought about it again.

It was not right, How could a gigolo say that? Zayla got angry. She withdrew her hand. “My legs are not long enough, so I can’t keep up with you. I’ll walk alone.”


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