I become a SheEO After Dirvorce

Chapter 520

Chapter 520

Chapter 520

Chapter 520 S0meone Suspicious

Time was displayed in the upper right corner.

Zayla was put into a car by Simon and left the town. Thirty minutes later, Simon fell to the ground and was taken away. Simon had been trying to buy Zayla as much time as possible.

Zayla didn’t know and couldn’t imagine how Simon survived the thirty minutes. How could he fight against dozens of people on his own? In the past thirty days, Zayla couldn’t figure out what had happened that rainy night.

At that moment, through the video, the most realistic scene was shown. Zayla closed her eyes, and the contents of the letter were all in front of her. [I want to ask for more for the last time.

Zayla, can you trust me? Can you just try to trust me?] It turned out that Simon was determined to die. Therefore, he asked for more. Their five-year marriage was a mistake, and Simon was not the correct one from start to finish.

However, the marriage was true, and it was also true to mistake the savior. To get Zayla out of danger, Simon held on for more than thirty minutes with his life, which was also true.

Zayla left smoothly and sent the note to Southbard. Without Simon, she couldn’t succeed. Zayla didn’t want anything to happen to Simon, not at all. Zayla blinked, and tears poured down her cheeks.

Lincoln pulled her into his arms and whispered in her ear. “I know that you will shed tears for him no matter how I comfort you. “However, I should comfort my girl. “Stop crying.


Zayla looked up and said in a choked voice, “Since it is confirmed Simon was taken away by Brendis’ men, we can find Simon as long as we find Brendis. Am I right?” “We were late.” “What? What do you mean?” Lincoln frowned. “Brendis was dead.” Zayla was astonished, “When did it happen?”

“Thirty minutes ago. In his villa.” “Joe has gone there to deal with it.” After Zayla Heard that, her hands trembled involuntarily. “Brendis’ death means the clue to find Simon is broken.”

Lincoln knew that. Searching for one man was like looking for a needle in a haystack. Simon was Lucy’s son. As Simon’s uncle, Lincoln couldn’t neglect him. If Lucy were still alive, she would be sad. “I have asked someone to continue searching for him.

“At present, two groups of people are searching for him. “We have to be fast.” Hearing that, Zayla asked, “Two groups of people? Who is the other group?” They are hiding well, and we don’t know for the time being.”

Zayla got upset again. She didn’t know what was going on with Simon. According to the video, he was shot in his limbs and hit by several iron rods in the back. Therefore, his injuries must be serious.

If the injuries couldn’t be treated properly, they would leave sequelae and might be life-threatening. Zayla dared not to think about it any further. She held Lincoln’s clothes and asked, “As for the other group of people, is there someone suspicious?” Lincoln said coldly, “The Powell family.” Zayla couldn’t figure it out.

The Powell family and Simon had no contacts, and there was no business between Kovis and Harper. Why did the Powell family want to find Simon? Could it be that?


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