I become a SheEO After Dirvorce

Chapter 526

Chapter 526

Chapter 526

Chapter 526 To Fight Back

Zayla smiled. She remained calm and planned out the shortest path. Instead of taking the road, she chose a footpath. She walked through the footpath by her strong memory.

At five past three, when everyone thought Zayla couldn’t complete the clock-in, She walked over slowly. Everyone was shocked and lost for words!

One of them thought, “Wasn’t she tricked into the cafeteria? Those who are not familiar with Snow Manor will have to go around for at least forty minutes before they can find the greenhouse! But it only took her twenty-three minutes to find it?”

At five past four, Zayla stepped into the greenhouse under the gaze of everyone. She didn’t rush to clock in but looked at the time on the clock…

After fifty seconds, she still didn’t clock in… After waiting until fifty-nine seconds, she clocked in! Grace’s face was livid. It was obvious that she was annoyed by Zayla. Zayla did it on purpose.

She slowly appeared at five past three. And she successfully entered the greenhouse at five past four. She didn’t rush to clock in but showed off for a while.

Grace was about to speak and wanted to give Zayla á head-on blow. But before she had time to speak, Zayla sat in the seat beside her and tapped on the glass table lightly. “Where’s my breakfast?” Grace almost exploded in a fury.

Zayla looked at Grace, held her face in both hands, and squinted her eyes. She said with a smile, “You won’t abuse me, will you?” Grace was speechless. After all, it was the training arranged by Miriam. Although Miriam could give Zayla a hard time secretly, she couldn’t make it too obvious.

Moreover, Janus and Drew were still here! Janus was especially difficult to deal with. Grace quickly let the cafeteria bring breakfast to Zayla. Zayla asked for muffins and milk especially.

Grace could only let the cafeteria prepare for them. While waiting for breakfast, Zayla started to chat with Grace casually. After the clock-in, it should be the flower arrangement class, right?”

Grace nodded. Her attitude was still contemptuous, but she had to answer what should be answered. “Who is the teacher? What’s her name?” “It’s me.”

Zayla nodded. “Well. I didn’t expect you would also be good at flower arrangements.” As Grace was already upset, Zayla’s snide words made her angrier. Looking at her expression, Zayla hurriedly asked with concern, “Are you alright?” The breakfast was delivered at this time. Zayla picked up the fork on the breakfast cart, grabbed Grace’s head, and stuffed the fork into her mouth!

“Be careful of biting your tongue with epilepsy. Bite the fork, and don’t move around. You will be fine in a while.” Zayla looked anxious, and her tone was gentle, as if she was really caring about Grace. Grace was about to be driven crazy, but she couldn’t find a reason to punish Zayla. Seeing she was fine, Zayla sat down and started to eat breakfast. She took a bite of a muffin and then drank the milk.

From four o’clock in the morning until now, what she had done was equal to a morning exercise. So she had a good appetite at this time. As she usually had a small appetite, she gave all the unopened ones to Grace.

“I’m relieved a lot to see you being fine. You should also eat a little.” Zayla stuffed the food into Grace’s hands. Then she gave a box to each of the servants around. She had to be fair to everyone. Anyway, she didn’t spend money to buy it…

Zayla saw a puppy standing at the door. It should be a stray dog who smelled the scent and came here. She put an egg tart in front of it. “Enjoy it.” “Since they have it, you should have it too.


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