I become a SheEO After Dirvorce

Chapter 529

Chapter 529

Chapter 529

Chapter 529 Come Here for a Hug

When Zayla saw Lincoln, she was startled for a moment, and her hand holding the scissors was instantly loosened.

Lincoln took away the scissors and extended his arm far away, afraid of accidentally injuring her. Before Zayla could even ask why he came here, Lincoln’s deep voice resonated, “Come here for a hug.” Almost without any hesitation, Zayla threw herself into his arms.

But before she could react, Zayla was picked up straight by him, and she hurriedly pressed against Lincoln’s shoulder. “Hey… Lincoln!” Her voice was soft and delicate, with a hint of surprise from the half-asleep state she was in, and it made Lincoln’s heart tingle, But the next second, she quickly covered her mouth, afraid of being heard by the two guards outside. If she made a commotion, gigolo would be exposed. Just when Zayla was thinking, a warm hand grasped her slender ankle.

Zayla was startled, and before she could cry out in surprise, Lincoln sealed her lips with a kiss… It was a light kiss, but it blocked all her subconscious exclamations.

The light from the floor lamp sprinkled on Lincoln, casting a faint shadow, disappearing his coldness and leaving an indescribable warmth on his handsome face.

Zayla stood there frozen, unsure of how to respond, simply gazing at him in a daze. Only when Lincoln’s hand applied a slight pressure and gently squeezed her swollen calf did she snap out of her trance.

“What are you doing?” She asked softly, trying to retract her legs, but her ankle was held firmly by him. “Is this kind of strength okay?” Lincoln said in a low voice, looking up at her, but the movements in his hands never stopped.

“Gigolo.” Zayla picked up the pillow beside him and hugged him tightly. “How do you know… your wife’s legs are swollen because of you?” “I put two pairs of eyes by your side, so I can always know something.”

As soon as Lincoln said these words, Zayla suddenly realized. It turned out to be Janus and Drew! “But if you come to Snow Manor, don’t you violate your mother’s rules?” As she spoke, she picked up the document on the corner table, opened it, and pointed to the text marked in the lower right corner. It clearly stated that he couldn’t appear in Snow Manor! But tonight, he came here despite the wind and snow…

The corner of Lincoln’s mouth curled slightly, and he chuckled, “Zayla, you are In a dream.” Zayla was taken aback and said, “Is that even possible?” So, at this moment, did she see him in a dream?

“Lincoln, does your mother know that you ran into my dream like this?” After speaking, Zayla stretched out her slender fingers and lightly poked his handsome face.

Lincoln raised his eyebrows and asked back, “What? She doesn’t allow me to meet my girl, but she doesn’t have the right to forbid me to meet her in my dream.” After hearing this, Zayla burst out laughing again.

“Absolutely! It’s a must. You’ve been wronged to the point of meeting in a dream… if it’s not allowed, it would be too tyrannical.” “Yeah.” Lincoln’s throat moved slightly, agreeing that. Afterward, Zayla told Lincoln exactly what had happened in the Snow Manor.

Zayla also reassured him that she was not wronged at all and that no one could make her feel wronged! The moves in Lincoln’s hands still didn’t mean to stop…

“Your legs are swollen. Aren’t you wronged?” Zayla shook her head and said, “I used to practice dancing like this often, and I’m used to it.


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