I become a SheEO After Dirvorce

Chapter 543 Lincoln Was Sleeping on the

Chapter 543 Lincoln Was Sleeping on the

Chapter 543 Lincoln Was Sleeping on the

Sofa? Miriam’s face turned pale with fright, and she nearly dropped her phone. “Don’t worry, it’s my subordinate. Let her in.”

Miriam was startled. She didn’t expect that Clarence had arranged someone so close to her! She wanted to see who this person was!

“Come in,” Miriam said. The double doors opened, and a familiar face appeared. Miriam couldn’t believe it. It was a person who had worked for her for over twenty years?

At this moment, she had no time to be angry, only pure disbelief. “It’s you…” Miriam laughed. It was so ridiculous!

The person she trusted was actually planted by Clarence beside her all along! And for a full twenty years, she didn’t even know?! The servant didn’t say anything but placed a small glass bottle in front of Miriam.

“Mr. Powell asked me to give it to you.” After the words fell, the servant bowed respectfully and left. Miriam looked at her back and laughed again.

She didn’t even have to explain anything to Miriam, and she remained calm throughout everything. It was as if she knew what would happen eventually.

“Do you see what’s in the bottle?” came Clarence’s voice from the phone. Miriam gritted her teeth, knowing that Clarence had completely restrained her now. For the sake of her missing daughter, she has no room to resist.

“Yes, I see it.”

“This is specially prepared by the Powell family for the Chosen One. Do you understand what I mean?” Miriam tightly held the glass bottle and looked at the colorless liquid inside. She felt her heart beat

faster than ever. “Clarence, you are crazy! She is the Chosen One!”

Clarence laughed arrogantly a few times. “So what? The so-called Chosen One is just a legend! What can bring endless wealth to Brevan is me and the Powell family!” Clarence was the biggest capital, wealthy enough to rival a country. This gave him the power to speak alongside the royal family.

Miriam knew this, and she also understood why Lincoln wanted to eliminate him completely. If left unchecked, the entire cabinet might change, and even the royal family would be different!

But now…

There was nothing she could do. “Clarence, you said that my daughter was in your hands. But only based on this paternity test result, how can I believe you?”

“This is a testimonial issued by the senior organization ‘Clayton Testing’. You should know how rigorous this organization is, and there is no possibility of exchange or falsehood.”

“But you are Clarence, and you are as rich as a country. Is there anything you can’t do?” Miriam obviously didn’t believe Clarence. “If you don’t believe me, I’ll show you the photos of her when she was a child. She looks exactly like your senior.” Hearing that there were photos, Miriam’s heart tightened. Soon, the photos were sent to her mailbox. From three years old to five years old, and then to ten years old.

The girl in the photo was young but resembled her senior significantly. With just one glance, Miriam could tell that it was her daughter! With the photos and paternity reports in hand, Míriam had no reason to doubt Clarence anymore.

“As long as I do what you say, will you give me my daughter back?” “Certainly!” “How do I know if you will hurt my daughter after it’s done?”

Clarence laughed. “You are not qualified to negotiate terms with me now. You have to trust me and make this deal with me, but your daughter is of no use to me, so I have no reason to hurt her.” But being as ruthless as Clarence, who knew if he would suddenly change his mind?

But Miriam also knew that with her daughter in his hands, she didn’t even have the qualifications to negotiate… Miriam had to do this, she had no choice. She owed this daughter too much.

After hanging up the phone, Miriam held the glass bottle tightly. After last night, Zayla didn’t receive another check-in point and time for the next day.

She slept well and felt energized when she woke up. As she sat up, wanting to tie up her long hair, she saw Lincoln sleeping on the couch.


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