I become a SheEO After Dirvorce

Chapter 552 Missed Call From Him

Chapter 552 Missed Call From Him

Chapter 552 Missed Call From Him

“Stay there! I warn you! I have a knife!” After hearing this, Zayla smiled and clasped Jasmine’s wrist. Jasmine screamed in pain and lost grip on the knife.

At this time, Zayla took a quick move and caught the falling knife. She looked at the sharp knife and gently patted Jasmine’s cheek with the knife’s flank. In the next second, the knife aimed at Jasmine fiercely!

Then it was smashed on the door with a loud sound, only 0.4 inches away from her her ears… Jasmine’s face was pale with fright, and her forehead ran with sweat. “Get out of my sight in three seconds.” Jasmine knew she was no match for Zayla, so she ran away quickly.

Her servants also got up from the ground and scuttled away. Jasmine ran all the way to the corridor entrance, and after making sure that

Zayla didn’t catch up, Jasmine patted her chest lightly while calming herself down. “Miss Powell…” Jasmine looked at the servants following her and cursed in anger! “Why did so many of you fail to handle a woman? You trash! Idiots!

“You guys look strong, but none of you come in handy at critical times! “What does the Powell family keep you for?” These servants were scolded so severely that no one dared to raise their heads.

A relatively bold servant whispered, “Miss Powell, Zayla seems to have learned self-defense.” Jasmine looked at her and said, “What?” “It’s true. My son is a martial arts teacher, and Zayla’s moves were somewhat alike.”

The other servants felt her words made sense and echoed, “Miss Powell, we are all strong and usually do rough work. How could we fail to handle her if she was common?”

“Yeah, when Zayla kicked me out, my stomach and arm both hurt.”

“Yes, me too. She subdued us all! She must have practiced martial arts! Maybe Mr. Nash has taught her!” After hearing this, Jasmine pursed her lower lip tightly.

“Zayla, I miscalculated today! But next time, it will not proceed as you hope!” Zayla’s room. The door closed again. The two bodyguards guarding her were obviously arranged by Miriam.

But they let Jasmine in. Although they didn’t participate in the ridiculous mischief just now, they both stood by and didn’t intend to inform Miriam. The mischief was minor but confirmed one thing for Zayla.

Miriam’s people were also bribed by the Powell family in all probability, or they belonged to the Powell family from the very beginning. Zayla lay on the bed, lost in thought. Today, Miriam was indeed on the Powell family’s side

It could be that Miriam was afraid of the Powell family and had no choice but to obey. However, her several reactions were quite strange. Zayla felt that she must be overthinking.

Although Lincoln was not born by Miriam, she was the one who brought him up. Lincoln was not punished today, which showed his significance in Miriam’s mind.

Zayla took out the mobile phone under the pillow, ready to call Stephen. Suddenly, she saw several missed calls.

Zayla was stunned, and her eyelids twitched. Just when she was hesitating whether to call back, the call came in again. This phone was Lincoln’s.

The call must be for Lincoln, and there might be something important. Zayla answered the phone. On the other end of the phone, the voice was particularly gentle. “Hello, is this Simon’s uncle?”


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