I become a SheEO After Dirvorce

Chapter 564 He Cheated on Her

Chapter 564 He Cheated on Her

Chapter 564 He Cheated on Her

Upon hearing these words, Simon froze in place with the pastry in his hand. “She… answered the phone call?” Simon’s heart felt a pain that was a million times worse than the wounds on his body.

The words “Aunt” were something Simon didn’t want to hear, but Simon couldn’t deny the truth. They were together, weren’t they?

“yeah!” Jenny disinfected Simon’s wounds without noticing Simon’s expression. Jenny continued. “I’ve already told her about you. Don’t worry. They’ll come to rescue you!” I know the way back home very well. If possible, I can lead you guys there,” Jenny added. Simon snapped out of his thoughts and immediately refused Jenny’s offer without hesitation.

“No need. You’ve already done so much for save me.” Jenny looked at Simon and said, “No, I need to see you get rescued alive before I can feel at ease.”

“Why?” Simon asked Jenny. Jenny was puzzled. “Why what?” Simon’s eyes were dim. “No one cares about my life.”

Simon even thought that if he had died on the spot instead of being captured, it might have been better. At least Simon wouldn’t have to hear the news that they were together.

Jenny felt uncomfortable seeing Simon’s expression.

Jenny thought, “I can’t believe you’re so pitiful that no one cares about you.”

In this regard, Jenny could relate to the feeling of no one caring about Simon, as no one had ever cared about her since Jenny was young.

Although everyone in the Powell family called Jenny “Ms. Powell.” However, Jenny knew that her father treated her and her sister jasmine differently. People who went with the wind would always gossip behind Jenny. Since childhood, Jasmine had bullied Jenny many times.

At the beginning, Jenny used to cry and explain to her father, but all Jenny got was Clarence’s bias toward Jasmine. So over time, Jenny stopped speaking up. The feeling of no one caring was really unbearable. After a moment of silence, Jenny looked at Simon seriously.

“You can’t have such thoughts! How is it possible that no one cares about you?

Your aunt’s tone clearly showed that she was worried you!” And if, I mean, if no one really cares about you, then I do!”

Jenny continued. “Since I found you, I can’t just leave you alone. You have to can’t just leave live well.” As Jenny spoke, Jenny’s smile became sweeter and sweeter.

“The world is beautiful. Your eyes are so beautiful. They must be eyes that can see the beauty!” After hearing this, Simon couldn’t help but smile. “Are asked.

you trying to comfort me?” Simon Simon went through the hail of guns and bullets, faced life and death, and was trapped here, but Simon was comforted by the daughter of Clarence. Jenny nodded.

Jenny thought, “Because I’ve been caught in the rain, I always want to give you an umbrella.” After disinfecting Simon’s wounds, Jenny saw that Simon had finished all the food she brought and gave Simon a thumbs up.

“You finished everything! You’re amazing!” Simon was a little helpless. “I’m not a three-year-old.” Jenny smiled apologetically when she heard this.

“Then I’ll go now. I’ll come to see you tomorrow.” “Don’t come tomorrow, and don’t come any other day in the future.” Simon said. “Are you worried about my safety?”

Jenny shook her head and smiled. “It’s okay. After all, I’m Clarence’s daughter. Clarence won’t do anything to me.” Simon looked at Jenny’s pure and flawless smile, like a blank sheet of paper. Simon

felt guilty. “I’m sorry, I lied to you.”


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