I become a SheEO After Dirvorce

Chapter 570 Lincoln Disappeared

Chapter 570 Lincoln Disappeared

Chapter 570 Lincoln Disappeared

Hearing what Jenny said, Iowa stopped abruptly! His hand was just inches away from landing on her body. “Why didn’t you say it sooner?” With that, Iowa withdrew his hand.

“I’ll lead the way for you,” Jenny looked at them and said with certainty. Lincoln frowned. “Let’s go.”

Iowa immediately asked, “Lincoln, you are not curious why she is suddenly willing to lead the way for us?”


Whether Jenny would lead the way for them or not, Lincoln had already memorized the entire layout of the Powells’ villa. It was a breeze for him to get to the cellar from where they were.

Of course, it was good that Jenny was willing to lead the way. At least they could find out if Simon was really locked up in the cellar as she claimed or if this was a trap set up specifically to ensnare them. If it was the latter, then Jenny would become a hostage in their hands.

As for why Jenny suddenly believed them and was willing to lead the way for them, it didn’t matter to Lincoln. But Iowa felt puzzled. He looked at Jenny and asked in a low voice, “Miss Powell, why are you willing to lead the way?”

Jenny said truthfully, “Simon is good-looking and so is his uncle. The genes in their family must be good.” She wanted Simon to be rescued so much, so she had no other choice.

If they really came to rescue Simon, she was most familiar with every route at her home. It must be the best for her to lead the way. Iowa didn’t expect Jenny to judge in such a way, which opened his eyes a bit. “That sounds reasonable, but aren’t you being hasty to believe us?”

It’s okay. We’ll see Simon later. If he doesn’t know you, I’ll call for help, so you won’t be able to leave.” Iowa laughed when he heard that. He didn’t expect Jenny to be so smart!

The Powell family had many people. Iowa and Lincoln, on the other hand, were only two individuals. It was evident that they were at a numerical disadvantage. But Jenny was unaware that skilled men had entered the Powells’ villa from all directions and that they would secretly take care of any patrolling bodyguards they encountered. Jenny chose the shortest route to the cellar. Lincoln narrowed his eyes. He also found this route on the layout map. For now, Jenny seemed trustworthy.

“Follow me. We can take this route to avoid the patrolling bodyguards and surveillance cameras.”

Ever since Jenny found out that Simon was locked in the cellar, she had been walking this route quietly almost every night when it was dark and quiet.

Soon, they arrived at the cellar. Jenny pushed open the window beside her. Lincoln took a look at the door lock. He took out some tools and picked the combination lock. Are you… here again?”

Simon was lying on the cold floor. His clothes were already in tatters. His exposed skin was covered in bloody cuts and bruises. Simon opened his eyes with some difficulty and found that Jenny was not alone…


Simon was injured so seriously that he couldn’t move at all, lying on the floor in a terrible state. When he saw Lincoln, who came to rescue him, Simon couldn’t help but smile in self-mockery. “Iowa, save him.”

“Okay.” Iowa stepped forward quickly. Jenny followed and helped him. Iowa supported Simon with his body.

“Hold on, we’re taking you out of here.” Simon glanced at Iowa. In his eyes, which had already lost their luster, his will to live had become very low. His wounds had not healed during these days.

Although Jenny would often disinfect his wounds, she didn’t have any substantial medicines to offer Simon, so she couldn’t provide him with more help. Fortunately, the cold weather prevented his wounds from festering and becoming infested with maggots.

Simon didn’t know how he managed to survive with such serious injuries. It was ridiculous that he was still alive despite being covered in wounds.

“While the patrolling guards haven’t noticed us yet, follow me and I’ll lead you out through the back door!”

Jenny immediately walked toward the door and waved at them to follow her. Lincoln winked at Iowa. Iowa nodded. “Don’t worry. Leave it to me.”

The next second, Iowa helped Simon to follow Jenny. Meanwhile, Lincoln ran in the opposite direction and quickly disappeared into the darkness of the night… In that direction, there was…


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