I become a SheEO After Dirvorce

Chapter 576 The Final Assessment.

Chapter 576 The Final Assessment.

Chapter 576 The Final Assessment.

“Give this to Zayla, and it will make her lose more quickly.” Miriam looked at the delicately packaged gift box but didn’t take it. Clarence urged her. “You have to cooperate with me obediently! Otherwise, your daughter will become a cold corpse!” Miriam took a deep breath, reached out her hand tremblingly, and took it.

She had no other choice for her daughter’s sake. Clarence felt extremely content when he saw her reluctantly do that in the end under his threat! He was glad that he could do whatever he wanted to do!

The sunlight penetrated through the gaps in the curtains and refracted into the dark room. The sunlight fell on her wrist and the braided bracelet blinked. The last assessment in the afternoon kicked off.

Zayla had taken a nap but still felt weak all over and the marks didn’t recover. Yet it didn’t hurt anymore temporarily. The dance to play was undecided. Teresina said a few sentences to comfort Zayla.

Zayla just smiled and didn’t say anything. But Jasmine started to satirize Zayla. “I started dancing when I was three years old. Zayla, how reckless you are!” Jasmine applauded her after saying that.

“Thanks for your applause,” Zayla replied, then she walked towards the locker room with her ballet costumes and ballet shoes. Jasmine cursed angrily. “Bitch!” Zayla changed into her ballet costume and was about to put on her ballet shoes when she found that the toe of the ballet shoes had been torn. Obviously, someone did it on purpose. When she was thinking about what to do, someone pushed an exquisite box to her. She looked up and saw Miriam.

“You…why are you here?”

“This is for you.” Zayla took the box, opened it, and found a pair of exquisite ballet shoes inside.

“Good luck with your 4th round of assessment.” Miriam cheered her on and left. Zayla froze for a moment, then picked up the dancing shoes.

It seemed that Miriam had guessed that someone would tear her ballet shoes, so she specially brought Zayla a new pair. Zayla didn’t suspect Miriam. She immediately put on the ballet shoes and stood on the stage with Jasmine.

Teresina introduced the rules. The one with the best performance would get ten points! In other words, the marks they got in this turn would decide the winner. Zayla smiled abruptly. She was not surprised. She already knew that the assessment was not fair at all.

Now Zayla led Jasmine by six points. Jasmine had to revise the rules of the last competition if she wanted to overtake Zayla. The so-called assessment would eliminate Zayla for a justified reason!

Miriam sat indifferently under the stage. Zayla looked at her and then looked down at the dancing shoes on her feet. She felt disappointed. Soon, Teresina announced that they would dance to “Swan Lake”. Jasmine almost couldn’t hold back her laughter.

Teresina said that Zayla had only learned some basic skills. Although Zayla had practiced all the dances once, she was an awkward dancer! Jasmine would definitely get ten scores. They would draw lots to decide the acts to perform.

Jasmine was the first to draw lots! She would play the second act of “Swan Lake”! It was a pas de deux! Her partner entered the stage!

The lights were dimmed and the music was playing! Jasmine had studied ballet since she was a child, and she was above average among those amateur ballerinas!

The second act wasn’t very difficult. Although there were countless flaws and two obvious mistakes in her performance, her overall performance was tolerable.

The audience applauded. Everyone was forced to applaud and praise Jasmine when Clarence was sitting under the stage. Jasmine bowed to the audience and then exchanged places with Zayla. When she walked past Zayla, she looked very complacent.

“Zayla, can you bear it? Why don’t you go to the hospital? What if it is serious?”


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