I Can Download

Chapter 261

Chapter 261

When Bruce saw Cyclops, he found a strange girl next to him.

“Hellow, Mr. Bruce.”

Cyclops courteously greeted Bruce as soon as he saw him.

But the girl beside him looked quite timid.

She was also a asian, the black hair and yellow skin was the same as Bruce.

Seeing Bruce’s puzzled gaze, Cyclops immediately introduced this beautiful girl to Bruce.

“Sir, she is Jubilation Lee and is also a chinese. Her parents have passed away, Logan brought her here yesterday.”

Hearing Cyclops’s introduction, Bruce took a handshake with this girl.

【 Name 】: Jubilation Lee

[Identity]: Firework, Level 2 Mutant

[ Ability ]: Energy Plasmoids (20w).

Glancing at Jubilation Lee’s information, Bruce had thought back about her.

Jubilation Lee was a level 2 Mutant, her ability could generate what she called “fireworks” also known as Energy Plasmoids or Lumikinetic Explosive, Light Blast.

These were essentially globules of light energy that varied in power and intensity. The globules obeyed her mental commands, travelling where she directed them, arranging themselves in a variety of forms – balls, streamers, and other shapes – and exploding when she wished. The explosions could result in anything from a multitude of colorful sparkles, capable of temporarily blinding a person, to a fairly powerful detonation capable of smashing tree trunks or metal objects.

Bruce suddenly felt that this girl and him were very predestined because they not only had the same family name, but also belonged to the same race.

“Oh, girl, I see something on your hair.”

With speaking, Bruce secretly picked up a petal using his psychokinesis from the ground, then he touched towards her and pretended as if there was really something on her hair.josei

A light on his hand secretly flashed away.

Instantly, Bruce had finished strengthening her.

After all, Jubilation Lee was not a Level 3 Mutant like White Queen, so the energy she requireded was very little.


Jubilation Lee perceived the change in her body.

She widely opened her eyes and looked at Bruce as if seeing something incredible.

At this moment, Bruce checked her information again.

【 Name 】: Jubilation Lee

[Identity]: Firework, Level 3 Mutant

[ Ability ]: Energy Plasmoids (50w).

“Mr. Bruce, I seem to be getting stronger.”

After speaking, Firework immediately cast a group of plasmoids. She controlled them changing the color and shape ceaselessly, which looked very beautiful.

However, anyone could sense the great destructive power in them.

Now, Firework could not only generate the Lumikinetic Explosive, but also she could transform plasmoids into various weapons just like Psylocke.

“Yes, girl, you are stronger, no one can bully you.”

With the chat, Bruce had already checked her memories.

Jubilation Lee’s parents were murdered, and she lived a hard life at a young age.

Bruce felt deep sympathy for the tragedy that happened to this compatriot of Chinese descent.

“Hi, girl, can you put the weapon away first?” Cyclops interrupted them at this moment.

Firework looked back and showed an embarrassed expression.

It turned out that she negligently broke Cyclops’s clothes just now when she cast the plasmoids.

Taking advantage of Firework apologized to Cyclops.

Bruce tried to strengthen her again.

Sure enough, she was the same with the White Queen, there wasn’t any effect.

At this moment, Bruce came to a conclusion.

His Strengthening Mutant ability could only be used once on a mutant, besides it could only upgrade them one level.

“Girl, don’t tell anyone what happened to you today.”

Bruce sent a message to Firework’s mind, then found an excuse to leave them.

As a Chinese, Firework naturally had a cordial feeling to Bruce, she obediently nodded in the direction Bruce left.

Cyclops knew, this direction was Professor X’s office.

An hour later, Bruce walked out of Professor X’s office.

Since he often discussed magic with Professor X, it was normal to touch the professor’s body in this process, so the professor didn’t doubt him.

However, Bruce confirmed a thing that the Strengthening Mutant couldn’t work on Charles.

No wonder Apocalypse didn’t strengthen Magneto in the original plots.

It’s not that he didn’t want to, but he couldn’t.

The limitation of the Strengthening Mutant ability was that the user couldn’t strengthen a mutant to the same level with the ability-caster.

If Bruce wanted to strengthen Charles into a level 5 mutant, he had to become a level 6 mutant first.

Up to now, the level 6 was still a legend, maybe Jean could reach this level in the future.

At the same time, Bruce had calculated that a level 4 mutant could even bring him more than 500,000 energy values at least.

So next, he planned to focus on strengthening the current level 3 Mutants.

On the second thought, Bruce found that he had missed a detail.

Before he strengthened Firework, she was a level 2 Mutant.

But Firework failed to become a level 4 Mutant like the White Queen.

That’s meaning, she wasted the only opportunity in her life to become a level 4 Mutant.

In the future, if she wanted to become a level 4 relying on herself, it’s almost impossible.

Such a case, Bruce learnt a lesson.

Now, the current level 3 Mutants in Xavier’s School were only Wolverine and Cyclops.

But Bruce didn’t have a deep relationship with Wolverine at present.

So he decided to start from Cyclops.

Thinking of this, he sent a message to him.

“After class, I will wait for you in a restaurant, it’s about ten miles from school.”

Just when Bruce ordered the meal, Cyclops arrived without any person following him.

“Sir, what’s up?”

“Well, Scott, did you notice that girl today?”

“Yes, Sir. She is obviously much stronger today, er…I don’t tell anyone about this thing.”

Cyclops was inherently cautious.

No wonder he would be valued by Charles in the future and took over Professor X’s position in the end, Bruce secretly thought in mind.

“So, sir, it’s…”


Bruce snapped his fingers to inform the waiter to serve, then leaned closer to the table and looked at Cyclops seriously.

“Recently, I awakened a new ability, it can strengthen other Mutants, would you like to have a try?”


“Sir…is it true? …my eyes…”

“Well, perhaps…”

After eating, Bruce took Cyclops to the outskirts not far away.

“Are you ready, boy?”

Cyclops removed the glasses Hank specially made for him, then nodded at Bruce excitedly.

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