I Can See Through a Hundred Million Flaws at a Glance

Chapter 9

Chapter 9

At the outskirts of the Noir Forest

The glowing red sunset shone on Shu Ke’s battered face.

It was going to be night soon, but the forest was not quiet. On the contrary, it bustled with more noises.

All kinds of beastly roars were heard. It was as if they were warning everyone that this place was very dangerous!

‘The flaw of Wolf Sword Technique—messy pace—has been repaired.’

When the system’s cold voice and a large amount of information rushed into Shu Ke’s mind, he could not help but frown. There was a look of pain on his face.

However, he felt the pain soothing away not long after that, and his body quickly became more relaxed.

“I didn’t expect that fixing a slightly larger flaw would require so many energy points. Looks like a tier-1 magical beast wasn’t enough.”

After spitting out the grass in his mouth, Shu Ke stood up and shook his head.

He moved his feet slightly and glided more than 10 meters away like a ghost.

If Toulon were still around, his jaw would definitely drop when he saw this.

The pace was well controlled—fast but not messy. It did not seem like the usual pace of the Wolf Sword Technique.

Toulon was a Dou Spirit expert and had practiced the Wolf Sword Technique for many years, but he had never shown such pace.

The original pace was an issue—a flaw—for the Wolf Sword Technique.

Unless one had the comprehension ability and talent to perfect this shortcoming on their own, the technique would be useless even for an expert above the realm of Dou Spirit.

But Shu Ke was an exception. He had an Infinite Flaw System that could see through all flaws and repair them.

Whether it was a physical flaw, a Dou Technique flaw, or even a spiritual flaw, none could escape Shu Ke’s eyes.

For the past two days, Shu Ke had been hunting magical beasts every day and exchanging their magic nuclei for energy points. After working for an unknown amount of time, he finally managed to fix one of the flaws in the Wolf Sword Technique.

“There are still a few flaws left and all the repairs need energy points!”

Although the problem with the Wolf Sword Technique’s pace had been solved, the remaining problems were still quite troublesome. One would need a lot of energy points to perfect the Wolf Sword Technique.

Shu Ke felt a headache coming when he thought of the massive amount of energy points needed.

In the past few days, he had killed seven or eight tier-1 magical beasts, and only then had he managed to fix the flaws in the Wolf Sword Technique’s pace. As for the rest —

‘Repair the flaws in the Wolf Sword Technique’s lack of strength: 3000 energy points’

‘Repair the flaws in the Wolf Sword Technique’s huge consumption of stamina: 2300 energy points’

‘Repair the flaws in the Wolf Sword Technique’s huge waste of Dou Qi: 5000 energy points’


Shu Ke felt the pain just by looking at the price of these repairs.

It reminded him of the times when he was playing video games on Earth.

He would play for an entire day, sometimes, a few days just to obtain a single material or defeat the Boss.

And now, these energy points were like those materials, which could only be obtained through Herculean effort.

“I started to feel a dull pain.” Shu Ke held his abdomen⁠—where his liver was⁠—acting like he was in pain in an amusing way. But he quickly returned to normal.

He casually picked up an iron sword from a dead person and continued to walk into the depths of the Noir Forest.

Since tier-1 magical beasts were no longer enough for his needs, he could only focus his gaze on tier-2 magical beasts that are more powerful.


Not long after entering deep into the forest, Shu Ke met his match, a tier-2 magical beast — the Flaming Battle Wolf.

This was a red wolf that was three to four meters long and more than two meters tall. Its fur was as beautiful as a raging fire.

‘Flaming Battle Wolf, this beast’s strength is at least equivalent to a middle-tier Dou Master. He’s a big guy!’

Shu Ke’s eyes stared at the Flaming Battle Wolf. Although he was complaining, he had no fear.

He held the rusty iron sword in his hands and displayed the starting stance of the Wolf Sword Technique.

At the same time, a hardly noticeable colorful light shimmered in Shu Ke’s eyes.

‘Its front left paw is hurt, movement is hindered.’

‘Its back has a torn scar, easier to be destroyed.’

‘Its left eye is hurt, vision is lowered.’

All the flaws of the Flaming Battle Wolf were clearly seen through Shu Ke’s eyes.

It could be said that Shu Ke had already won half of the battle before they had even begun.

The most important thing in a fight was intelligence, and Shu Ke’s level in intelligence gathering was definitely the highest!

This was also why Shu Ke dared to venture deep into the tier-2 magical beast territory despite being a mid-tier Dou Practitioner.


The Flaming Battle Wolf looked at Shu Ke.

It could feel that this monkey-like fellow in front of it was far weaker than itself.

The weapon in his hand was tattered. He might as well be food ready to be served on a plate.

It seemed that everything was destined.

Suddenly, Shu Ke moved.

Like a gust of wind, he appeared in front of the Flaming Battle Wolf in the blink of an eye. Shu Ke then stabbed the wolf’s eye with the iron sword.

This sudden change caught the Flaming Battle Wolf off guard. It hurriedly opened its mouth and breathed out fire towards Shu Ke.

Shu Ke’s expression did not change. Instead, he raised his sword and cut the flame into two.

Then, he charged straight at the Flaming Battle Wolf.

It was the same tactic he used—eye stab.

But this time, it was clear that the Flaming Battle Wolf was already prepared.

Just as Shu Ke raised his sword, the Flaming Battle Wolf clawed at Shu Ke.

The brute force sent Shu Ke flying, and he fell heavily to the ground.


The Flaming Battle Wolf looked at Shu Ke lying on the ground and finally let out a sigh of relief.

‘This monkey seems to be stronger than all the other monkeys I have met before.’

‘I almost got hurt.’

‘But in the end, I am still the stronger, and has defeated it.’

It was time for the Flaming Battle Wolf to enjoy the fruit of its victory.

It went to Shu Ke’s side and opened its mouth to have a bite.

But the next moment, it felt that something was wrong. It did not bit on anything!

“A beast will always be a beast. Stupid!”

An iron sword fell from the sky and flew towards the Flaming Battle Wolf.

The wolf turned to escape, but its left front paw was slightly slower. Because of this, the iron sword pierced directly into the Flaming Battle Wolf’s paw.

The Flaming Battle Wolf immediately yelped in pain.

At this moment, Shu Ke held onto the wound on the Flaming Battle Wolf’s back and forcefully tore it apart.


The wolf’s skin was torn, revealing the bright red flesh inside.

Death was right in front of its eyes. The Flaming Battle Wolf wanted to resist, but Shu Ke did not give it a chance.

He pulled out a short sword from his boots. Dou Qi gathered all over his body, and a blurry wolf’s figure appeared behind him.

The figure immediately let out a long howl as the short sword pierced deeply into the body of the Flaming Battle Wolf.


The Flaming Battle Wolf could only let out a miserable howl as it powerlessly fell to the ground.

‘It’s finally done.’

Shu Ke leaped down from the back of the Flaming Battle Wolf and wiped away the sweat on his face. Just as he was about to dig out the magic nuclei from the Flaming Battle Wolf, he suddenly froze.

Many pairs of eyes had appeared around him.

‘Could it be…’

Shu Ke swallowed and turned with an ugly smile, “Hi.”

A Flaming Battle Wolf with the size of a rhinoceros suddenly leaped into the air and let out a howl. Immediately after, the surrounding Flaming Battle Wolves also leaped out and lunged at Shu Ke.

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