I Can Upgrade My Talent In Everything

Chapter 968 The Day Of The Election

Chapter 968 The Day Of The Election


The sun cast a warm glow over the bustling marketplace as Fein walked alongside his mother, Melissa. The vibrant displays of fruits, vegetables, and various goods surrounded them, creating a lively atmosphere.

Fein, his mind consumed with thoughts of the impending election, turned to Melissa and asked, "Mom, who are you going to vote for today?"

Melissa paused for a moment, her eyes scanning the bustling crowd before meeting Fein's gaze. "You know, Fein, I've thought long and hard about this," she replied. "I believe I'll be voting for Olivia Foster."

Fein raised an eyebrow, intrigued by her choice. "Why Olivia?"

Melissa smiled gently, her voice filled with conviction. "I feel that Olivia is the most genuine candidate. She speaks from the heart and has a natural ability to connect with people. I appreciate her commitment to transparency and her relentless pursuit of social justice."

Fein nodded, taking in his mother's words. He knew that Melissa valued authenticity and empathy, and it seemed that Olivia Foster embodied those qualities in her campaign.

Curiosity getting the better of him, Fein asked, "And who would be your second choice?"

Melissa pondered for a moment, her eyes glancing toward a nearby poster of Markus Thompson. "If I had to choose a second candidate, it would be Markus Thompson," she said. "Security is an important issue, and I believe Markus has the experience and dedication to address it effectively. His focus on national security and veteran support resonates with me."

Fein nodded in understanding, appreciating his mother's thoughtful considerations. He respected her choices and knew that she had carefully evaluated each candidate's qualities and positions.

As they continued their stroll through the lively marketplace, Fein couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation. The day had finally arrived, and the fate of the Germundia Empire would soon be decided by the collective voice of the people. 


The sun had risen, painting the sky with hues of orange and pink, signaling the arrival of a momentous day. As Fein and Melissa made their way through the bustling marketplace, their footsteps quickened with anticipation. The air buzzed with excitement, mirroring the significance of the day—the day of the election.

They eventually reached the diverse location chosen as the polling station, a local school gymnasium adorned with vibrant flags fluttering in the gentle breeze. The exterior of the building proudly displayed large, prominent signage, announcing its purpose as a hub for democracy.

The parking lot surrounding the polling station was abuzz with activity, filled with cars of eager voters who had come to exercise their democratic right. The sound of friendly chatter and laughter filled the air as people greeted familiar faces and engaged in conversations about the election.

The marketplace outside the polling station was alive with a vibrant mix of people, all eagerly awaiting their turn to cast their votes. The diverse crowd reflected the rich tapestry of the community, with individuals of various ages, ethnicities, and backgrounds, each dressed casually for the occasion.

As Fein and Melissa joined the line, they found themselves surrounded by a sea of faces, each carrying their own unique stories and aspirations. Extras representing different age groups mingled together, engaging in friendly conversations while clutching props that mirrored their morning routines.

An elderly couple stood nearby, the lines etched on their faces a testament to a lifetime of experiences. The woman held a steaming cup of coffee, its warmth soothing against the cool morning air, while the man leafed through a newspaper, scanning the headlines before turning to his companion to share interesting tidbits.

A group of young friends, smartphones in hand, animatedly discussed the latest news and social media buzz. Their laughter echoed through the marketplace as they eagerly scrolled through their screens, exchanging thoughts and opinions on the candidates and the election.

A mother with a stroller stood patiently in line, her attention divided between her little one and the conversations around her. She expertly balanced a coffee cup on the handlebar, taking occasional sips to keep her energy up while exchanging smiles with fellow voters.

A middle-aged man, briefcase in hand, glanced at his watch from time to time, his eyes conveying a sense of urgency. He tapped his foot nervously as he scrolled through a news app on his smartphone, absorbing every bit of information he could before stepping into the polling station.

The scene was alive with a symphony of voices, each contributing to the vibrant atmosphere. Engaging dialogues filled the air as strangers struck up conversations, discussing the policies, the candidates, and the significance of this moment.

Fein and Melissa couldn't help but be swept up in the energy surrounding them. They joined in the conversations, sharing their own perspectives and listening intently to the stories of others. In this diverse crowd, a sense of unity emerged, transcending differences and fostering a shared sense of purpose.

As the line slowly progressed, the extras continued their morning routines, occasionally glancing at the polling station entrance, eager to move forward. Their presence added depth and authenticity to the scene, showcasing the diversity and collective anticipation of the voters in this marketplace. Then Fein and Melissa finally went in after few minutes in the line.

The scene inside the gymnasium was a true reflection of democracy in action. The large space had been transformed into a series of organized voting booths, each separated by sturdy partitions to ensure privacy. Volunteers, clad in brightly colored vests, greeted voters with warm smiles, directing them to the appropriate registration tables and guiding them through the voting process.

Fein and Melissa joined the line of voters, their hearts filled with a mix of excitement and responsibility. Around them, a diverse tapestry of individuals from all walks of life awaited their turn—students, parents, working professionals, and retirees—each carrying the weight of their decision.

As they patiently waited, the conversations around them echoed the pulse of democracy. People discussed their preferred candidates, debated policies, and shared stories of their journey to the polling station. The atmosphere was electric with the shared anticipation and the knowledge that their voices mattered.

Fein and Melissa exchanged glances. They understood the significance of this day, not only for their own choices but for the collective voice of the people. They were part of a larger tapestry, woven together by the threads of democracy.

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