I Can Upgrade My Talent In Everything

Chapter 1001 END

Chapter 1001 END

With a simple snap of his fingers, Fein brought forth a wondrous transformation. Sofia, Melissa, Fey, Voli, and their friends ascended to the SS-rank realm, their powers soaring to new heights in an instant. The joy in their eyes was unmistakable as they embraced their newfound strength.

In the days that followed, Fein and Sofia celebrated their love by joining in matrimony. Their wedding day was a joyous occasion, filled with laughter and heartfelt vows. The bond between them grew even stronger as they pledged their lives to one another.

As time went on, their family expanded. Three beautiful children were born, each blessed with the innate power of an S-rank. Fein and Sofia reveled in the joys of parenthood, nurturing and guiding their children with love and care.

Their lives became a harmonious blend of adventure, love, and shared moments. Fein's friends, Michael, Brick, Anthony, and others, remained steadfast by his side, forming an unbreakable bond forged through countless battles and shared triumphs.

The family's days were filled with laughter, stories of heroism, and the warmth of togetherness. Fein and Sofia took pride in watching their children grow, their powers blossoming under their guidance.

Harnessing the power of nothingness, Fein bestowed divine titles upon his trusted companions. Michael became the God of Shadows, Sofia the Goddess of Destruction, Kidd the God of Light and Trickery, Anthony the God of Wisdom, Gregory the God of Sun, Fey the Goddess of Beauty and Concealment, Melissa the Goddess of Mother Nature, and Brick Norty the God of Pursuit and Lord of the Mysteries.

Word of their newfound divine roles spread throughout the realms, and the people hailed Fein as the God of Nothing and Everything. The titles carried both reverence and awe, a testament to the immense power and influence Fein commanded.

Each deity embraced their new responsibilities, wielding their unique abilities to protect and guide their domains. Shadows danced at Michael's command, destruction followed in Sofia's wake, light and trickery intertwined under Kidd's guidance, wisdom flowed from Anthony's words, the sun radiated warmth under Gregory's watchful gaze, beauty and concealment were Fey's to bestow, nature thrived under Melissa's care, and the mysteries of the world unfolded before Brick Norty's piercing gaze.

Together, they formed a formidable pantheon, united in their purpose to maintain balance and order. The people looked to them for guidance, their faith a beacon in times of darkness and uncertainty.

Fein, the God of Nothing and Everything, stood at the center of it all, his power transcending the boundaries of the known realms. He led his divine companions with wisdom and compassion, ensuring that their divine duties aligned with the greater harmony of existence.

In this divine alliance, they forged a new era, where the influence of the gods extended far and wide, and the realms flourished under their watchful care.


ƥandasnovel·ƈom Across the vast expanse of realms, creatures of every kind gathered before the grand statue of Fein, the God of Nothingness. Kneeling in reverence, their voices echoed in a low murmur, chanting Fein's honorary title and offering heartfelt prayers.

From the majestic dragons to the humble forest creatures, from the mighty warriors to the delicate fairies, beings of all shapes and sizes joined together in this unified act of devotion. The incantation flowed from their lips, a simple yet potent invocation that held the power of their faith.

"O God of Nothing and Everything, hear our plea, In your boundless presence, we humbly bow our knee. Grant us strength, protect us from strife, Guide us through the tapestry of life."

Their voices carried across the multiverse, their words resonating with earnestness and sincerity. The creatures poured their hopes and aspirations into each syllable, their faith intertwining and mingling like threads of a tapestry.

As the incantation reached its peak, a palpable energy enveloped the gathering, a testament to the unity and belief that bound them together. It was a sacred moment, an expression of their unwavering trust in Fein and his eternal presence.

Silent tears fell, touched by the divine essence that emanated from the statue. The creatures basked in the warmth of Fein's divine blessing, finding solace in the knowledge that their prayers reached the very heart of the God of Nothing and Everything.

The creatures rose from their kneeling positions, carrying with them a sense of peace and reassurance. They returned to their realms, inspired to embody the virtues symbolized by Fein's honorary title and to spread his message of unity and harmony.

And so, the statue of Fein stood tall, a beacon of hope and devotion, embraced by the whispers of creatures from every realm, every multiverse, and every dimension, as they continued to honor and revere the God of Nothing and Everything.I think you should take a look at pandasnovel.com


Fein, in a moment of curiosity and idle amusement, decided to test the extent of his power. With a snap of his fingers, he effortlessly erased twelve barbaric and desolate universes from existence. However, the boredom quickly settled in, and he restored them just as effortlessly, as if reversing a mere flicker. "I can really do this kinds of shits that I watch in countless Anime..."

Intrigued by his powers, Fein began to contemplate the unimaginable. He contemplated the destruction of the entire omniverse, an unfathomable expanse that encompassed thousands of multiverses, which in turn comprised millions of universe and parallel universes.

As he toyed with the notion, a sense of both awe and apprehension washed over him. The sheer magnitude of such an act, the potential to unravel the intricate fabric of reality, lingered in his mind. He pondered the consequences, the far-reaching implications, and the weight of such a decision.

In the end, Fein held back, recognizing the delicate balance that held the omniverse together. While his power knew no bounds, he understood the importance of preservation and harmony. The omniverse, with its countless beings and interconnected existence, deserved a chance to thrive and evolve.josei

And so, Fein, the God of Nothing and Everything, chose not to proceed with the annihilation of the omniverse. Instead, he channeled his vast abilities towards fostering creation, growth, and the nurturing of life throughout the realms.

For even in his boundless power, he recognized the beauty of existence, the intricate tapestry of realities, and the profound interconnectedness that formed the very essence of the omniverse. And it was in that understanding that Fein found purpose, as the steward of balance and the guardian of the countless worlds that danced within the vastness of creation. 

Suddenly, Fein's gaze deepened. His sight manage to penetrate countless of dimensions, surpassed the speed of light, until it reached a distant realm. There... Fein saw his old world. 

Earth, a small blue planet, floats gracefully in the vast expanse of the universe. It is a mesmerizing sight, as its vibrant hues of green, brown, and blue stand out against the backdrop of the dark, infinite cosmos. Swirls of white clouds dance across its atmosphere, shifting and evolving with the ever-changing weather patterns.

From a distance, Earth appears like a jewel suspended in space, its delicate balance of land and water creating a tapestry of breathtaking landscapes. Towering mountains rise majestically, their peaks reaching towards the heavens, while vast oceans stretch out in shimmering expanses, reflecting the sunlight like liquid silver.

As the planet rotates on its axis, day and night cycle in a seamless rhythm, painting the surface with a gentle play of light and shadow. Cities illuminate the darkness, their twinkling lights symbolizing the bustling energy of human civilization. And amidst it all, the natural world thrives, with lush forests, winding rivers, and diverse ecosystems supporting a myriad of life forms.

From this celestial vantage point, Earth is but a speck in the grand tapestry of the universe, a tiny home to billions of souls. It is a reminder of the immense beauty and fragility of our existence, a precious jewel in the vast cosmic ocean that inspires wonder, curiosity, and a deep appreciation for the interconnectedness of all things.

"My old home... I didn't expect I would see it again. However, I'm not the earthling in my past life. To repay you, I'll give you a favor..." Fein took a deep breath and use his power of nothingness. "The Earth should acquire peace as long as I'm the ruler of Nothingness!" 

Like a rule, an invisible ripple appeared and hit the Earth. Fein smiled when he saw this. From now on... The Earth, his old home, will be safe from other dimensions and other realms as long as he was the ruler of everything!

"When everything is fused... It results to nothing... So what's above and higher than everything? It's 'nothing'. Before creation, there's nothing...

Before creation, there's destruction. You have to break down to build. In self-destruction, there's self-development. Thus, to reach a higher realm, you have to fuse everything and become nothing." Fein smiled as he recalled all the things that he learned from his life in order to reach his current state.

Nothingness is the highest realm that transcends everything! He is nothing.

But at the same time... He was everything.

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