I Can Upgrade My Talent In Everything

Chapter 395 Date With Sofia

Chapter 395 Date With Sofia

Sofia and Fein enjoyed the rollercoaster. The strong air resistance, the heart-pounding thrill, and the screams of the people behind them made it more lively. Though, Fein didn't have a choice but to use his perfect control of the body and suppressed his reaction speed to the level of a regular human just to enjoy the rides.

After the rollercoaster, they rode almost all the rides together, from the Ferris wheel, drop tower, and Vikings, to nitro drift... They spend all their tickets with smiles on their faces. With this, they became more integrated with each other.

Of course, Sofia and Fein's bonding in the park didn't end with just the rides. Fein also suggested the horror house and the labyrinth maze.

Though Fein came out from the horror house with disappointment on his face, while Sofia, who followed, had a paler face than before.

For Fein, the makeup techniques of the artist weren't on par with the ones on Earth. The zombies, lich, skeleton, and ghost aren't realistic at all. He couldn't understand how they managed to give a scare from such mediocre makeup.

Fortunately, the labyrinth escape had posed quite a challenge. First, they have to find the right path from ten to eleven paths. Only one path was valid, and the rest led to the end. Fein racked his brain really hard to solve the puzzles and solve various obstacles along the way with the use of his observation and logical reasoning.

The game really stimulated his brain. Though, he managed to do in the end because of his S-rank memory and thinking. Sofia was also a huge help to him since she was also quite sharp when it comes to puzzles. Because of this, Fein noticed Sofia could think outside of the box more than he thinks so.

Lastly, they took their photo in the photo booth. But it still used the old films, which made Fein helpless. So, he had to use his phone instead. It aroused Sofia's interest that he had to explain the functions of the phone to her and ended by giving her again.

"Lucius didn't give you one? I supplied him with hundreds of phones for you and his servants." Fein said in surprise.

"Yeah, I saw father using it. Now that I think about it... I think it's what he means when he said that he has a surprise for me." Sofia rubbed her eyebrows and said helplessly. "I think he forgot about it."

"Well, just understand that your father must be busy managing all the affairs of your family. And I've heard that the Wolf faction was causing trouble again, right? That damned Maxwell really knows how to anger your father. Not to mention, your father had already lived thousands of years, so it would affect his memory due to a large amount of memories and knowledge he had in his brain."

"Hmm... That might be that." Sofia nodded. Then she looked at the black phone in her hands happily and stored it in the mini bag on her hanging shoulders.

"Sofia... I'm hungry. Where do you want to eat? Restaurant, or let's find stalls in the street?" Fein looked at Sofia.

"Honestly, I prefer if you cook. But since we're on a date, let's just find a restaurant."


Sofia and Fein found a luxurious restaurant after Fein used his perception and spread it within one kilometer. The restaurant was called Rotarie Blue, and the building was quite eye-catching because of the boat, aquatic designs, and its front appearance. The door has a fish-pin door knob, and they used items from boats as decoration, such as a pirate flag, island maps drawn to an old ship scroll pinned to the walls, a compass that displays the four directions, a ship flag, and the walls were made from woods that most boats that sails used.

Fein and Sofia sat on a table wooden table with a spotlessly clean white cloth on top.

"I can really feel the vibe of a sailing boat. The owner of this place must be a former pirate or some kind of merchant in the sea." Fein touched the wood with his finger. "And this is the first time I saw this kind of wood."

"Pirate? Aren't they the type of people to rob and commit dirty crimes in the sea?" Sofia asked in wonder.


"Not all of them... Some only want adventure. Though, most of the pirates are scum. I wonder what kind of person is the owner of this restaurant. To think that he would think of this kind of them."

"Good evening, what are your orders, ms and sir?" A man dressed in a butler-like suit spoke with a formal voice. Then he gave a blue piece of paper to Fein and Sofia.

"Well, let's see..." Fein scanned his eyes on the menu. Various seafood and vegetable appeared in his eyes. 'It's been a while since I ate seafood. This is just perfect.'

Sharkfin, lobster, steamed crabs, fried tilapia, shrimp soup, and other seafood almost made Fein swallow his saliva. There is also desert that he was familiar with and some that he wasn't familiar with.

"Fein, what will you order?" Sofia put the menu down and licked her lips secretly.

"What about you?"

Sofia smiled and replied, "Hmm... I'll order the same as you."

'It's good to be young.' The man who was standing quietly while waiting watched Fein and Sofia's interaction. He couldn't help but remember when was also in the lovebirds' phase with his beautiful wife.

Fein rubbed his chin and began to think. It took a minute before he opened his mouth and says. "Well, I'll just order all of them."

"Are you sure?" The waiter asked again for confirmation. "Eating a large amount of seafood in one go can trigger allergic reactions."

Hearing the waiter's kind reminder made Fein nod. He decided that he would give the other party a tip.

"Is that so??" Sofia asked with worry and turned her head at Fein, who was a doctor and more knowledgeable in cooking.

'What are you worrying about? We are degu users!' Fein complained secretly in his mind. "Well, thank you for your reminder. But I still want to them all."

"Okay... I hope that you will enjoy your time here." The waiter smiled before he left their table.

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