I Can Upgrade My Talent In Everything

Chapter 427 Witch

Chapter 427 Witch

The atmosphere in the office became depressing. The three just sat near Gregory's body while Sofia just watched quietly.

After half an hour of silence, Fein couldn't take it anymore. He began to inspect Gregory's body to determine the cause of death.

Just like that, he performed a thorough examination internally and externally. Gregory didn't have any wounds or even injuries. No signs or struggle... After an internal inspection, he saw a problem in Gregory's heart. It was abnormally large. Specifically, the right ventricle had large dark spots, and the left ventricle swelled like a tomato.

These findings shocked Fein. He had already known all diseases related to the heart and there was nothing like this. Furthermore, there were no abnormalities in Gregory's heart when he inspected it last time. What does this mean? Gregory might have encountered something abnormal, or a third party did this to him!

Fein took a deep breath and looked at Michael and Kidd. "Captain died from heart problems. Did any of you notice who was here with the captain? Or anyone who had an enmity with him?"

"No, I didn't see anyone. I'm the earliest who came here, and I just saw the captain was already lying on the ground lifeless. So I don't know if there's anyone with him before I arrived." Michael answered weakly.

Kidd, who had a tired face, opened his mouth this time. "Do you mean it's not a natural death? But someone targeted the captain?"


"But how was that possible? The captain is a C rank. There's should be at least a trace of battle right? Or signs of poisoning." Kidd retorted.

Michael became thoughtful and suppressed the feeling of devastation in his heart. He must do his best to at least help Fein find a clue and think. If there's really a third party, then he had to make the person pay!

"No, didn't you hear Fein? The cause of death is a heart attack." Michael answered. Then his eyes flashed as his brain ran wildly. "That is to say, we can cross out physical death or the possibility that someone assaulted the captain. It's either a weird ability if then, it should be a degu user that could give anyone a disease."

Kidd and Fein froze at the conclusion that Michael had arrived. But his reasoning was well-founded.

"Since no one visited captain, one of his past enemies might have something to do with his death." Fein gave his opinion. "I remember the captain once said that he might have been cursed when I was doing a thorough examination of him. Michael, you are there with me. Do you remember it? At that time, I thought he was just joking. But there might be some truth with it."

"Just who would curse, captain?" Michael tried to suppress the rising anger as his head started to become hot.

"Whoever it was, we must make that person pay," Fein said coldly. He won't stop until he avenged Gregory.

Until now, he wished that he was just dreaming; he wants to slap himself hoping to wake up. But he knew that this was indeed reality. Life is full of surprises. What happened had already happened. The only thing he could do is to find the third party involved and make him suffer. Or either search for a way to resurrect Gregory. Since he was in a world where supernatural and magic exist. Fein knew that there was still hope, no matter how negligible it was. After all, a low possibility doesn't mean zero!

"Damn it!" Kidd punched the air to vent his feelings. He gritted his teeth until slight blood started to pour out. "It might be someone the captain fought in the past! It must be."

"Indeed..." Michael stood up and closed his eyes. "Since the captain suffered a minor heart attack, he might have died at that time if not for Fein. It might be that curse that started to take effect."

"I don't know what kind of curse the person cast, but it was untraceable. We have to be careful. It must be a formidable and vicious type of person to be able to cast such a ruthless disease." Even now, with all his medical knowledge, Fein was sure that he didn't find anything at all.

Seeing that the three temporarily came out from their depressed state made Sofia feel relief. The depressing mood from earlier that came from the three made her suffocated. Though, she felt scared at the possibility that someone has the power to give disease and kill an experienced veteran like Gregory silently without a trace.

"You even gave the captain a pill to strengthen his heart, right? It seems your pill was ineffective against that curse." Michael said.

Fein nodded quietly. Although he looked calm... Coldness had dominated his heart. Now, he only wants to find the culprit and torture him or her. No matter if it was a man or woman.

"Well, let's report this first to the headquarters. Too much happened today." Kidd took out a white blanket and covered Gregory's body.

"Captain had to die like this. I've been with him for a long time, but I didn't expect that he was cursed." Michael said with a blank expression.

"I don't know why the captain didn't tell us anything. It's either he was not sure if he was cursed or just didn't want to tell us." Fein clenched his fist. His nails had dug into the skin of his palm.

Sofia, who listening, suddenly stiffened. ' If it was really a curse, then only that type of degu user could have caused this!'

"Fein, I think I have a clue on what kind of degu user had caused this," Sofia said hesitantly.josei

"Hmm??" Michael and Kidd looked at Sofia at the same time.

"Continue." Fein nodded.

Sofia began to organize her thoughts for a few seconds and said. "A witch!"

"A witch?" Fein frowned.

Hearing this, Michael and Kidd looked at each other with shock on their face. Why didn't they think of this!? There was once a rumor that there was a group of degu users that could curse their enemies with all kinds of evil effects. Everyone that they encountered died in an accident or natural causes.

That's why the topic of witches became taboo in the degu society. They feared that the group of witches would curse them to death.

Michael explained his understanding of witches to Fein patiently. Then looked at Sofia gratefully.

"So as long as we find this group of witches, we will find the culprit?" Kidd raised his eyebrows.

"No need to find the culprit. Just search for the group and kill them all." Fein said indifferently.

Sofia, Kidd, and Michael felt a chill in their hearts as they heard Fein's cold declaration.

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