I Can Upgrade My Talent In Everything

Chapter 527 Heim's Fear

Chapter 527 Heim's Fear

Seeing Heim flailing around, struggling to remove the branches that restrained his whole body. Fein casually walked in front of him. "Now, do you want to answer or not? Who gave you the sand elemental technique?"josei

Fein smiled and looked carefully at Heim, who, on the other hand, felt a chill on his back. Heim suddenly had an illusion that he was being stared at by a terrible beast and he was locked off in an ice cellar. He could even see a bloody red substance formed into a phantom of a demon behind Fein, which was actually a manifestation of killing intent.

'What a terrible killing aura! Just how many have this bastard killed!?' Heim shuddered. Just how many kills would it take to condense a killing intent which has a form and substance?

Then Heim hesitates for a while and subconsciously swallowed. But he still didn't speak because the figure that imparted to him the elemental techniques is far scarier. "How did you know that I have elemental techniques in the first place?"

"Don't answer my questions with questions." Fein raised his palm.


Heim felt dizzy as the human hit him with a slap. The stinging pain and hot sensation on his cheek made her recognize the reality.

"Now talk..." Fein let out an amicable smile.

"Son of a bitc-"


Before Heim could even continue his cursing, Fein smacked the shit out of him. But with more strength this time. Heim was now a bit swollen in the lips and his cheeks. "How about now?"

"Tch!" Heim gathered the blood in his mouth and spew it at Fein. However, the blood couldn't even touch Fein as it just went through him.

Seeing such disrespectful behavior, Fein chuckled a little. Then he infused a large amount of degu energy on his left palm and right palm.


The continuous sound of a slap resounded throughout the village of giants. Even Voli, who finally returned to his size, Aoi, and Sofia looked at the scene with apprehensiveness. What have they just witnessed? A fight turned into a slap show!

"This is a bit inappropriate, don't you think so?" Aoi turned her head at Sofia with a strange expression. 'Who would have thought that master's boyfriend would have such a hobby?'

"Although I'm always on the side of my master... I must agree this time." Voli sighed. Then he stared at the corpse of A-rank giants that died on his butt. All of them literally turned into meat paste and a mush of flesh, which was disgusting. 'Shit, I have to wash my butt later!'

Sofia have a trace of hesitation on her face but didn't choose to answer. After all, Sofia knew that Fein wasn't actually a sadist or something. After some years of staying by Fein's side. Sofia has long known that although Fein was smart and logical. He also has a sense of humor, which reflects itself in his pranks and jokes. Fein's IQ and EQ were actually even in her opinion... If not for Gregory's death, Fein wouldn't have become as cold as he was currently.

'How nostalgic...' Fein looked at the face of Heim that turned into a pig's face. His face was filled with the color black and blue, and almost every part or space on his face was swollen. Fein couldn't help but recall how Balanar, the demon, did the same to him in the past. 'Well, I think I have overdone it.'

"If you just talked, we wouldn't have come to this point." Fein scratched his head.

Heim want to say something but he couldn't move his mouth anymore. He forced himself to speak but his mouth just twitched as a result. "HABIAFUASFBAS."

"What?" Fein knew at this moment that it was useless to keep the giant alive. "I don't if there's reincarnation. But transmigration really exists. I hope you become a good boy, and live a prosperous life your next one."

Then Fein infused twenty percent of his degu energy in the abyssal sword. The purple mist started to come out from it, which gave the aura of devastation and destruction.

Heim looked fearfully at the sword, as he could feel the trembling of the space itself.

"Well, don't worry. I don't have a deep feud with you. So I'll let you at least have a quick death."

'Damn you! If you don't have a feud with me, why slap me for thirty minutes straight without stopping!?' Heim felt the urge to tear the human in front of him to pieces, but he can't.

Fein slash his sword toward Heim, who just stared at the blade that was getting closer and closer to his neck. Heim felt a tinge of regret in his heart at this moment. He should have just talked with the human in a friendly manner at the start. He might not have died if he did so.

However, if it was too late for Heim. As the sword already reached his neck. With the blessing of destruction mist, Fein's sword became more deadly than the one before.

Just like that, the blade hit Heim's neck. It didn't just cut the neck but also obliterated the whole head into nothingness. This is the effect of the destruction energy, which could decompose even the small units of matter.

Seeing the body fall to the ground, Fein pointed at the now dead body, which doesn't have vitality and degu energy anymore.

In Fein's index finger, a dark mist came out and covered Heim's headless corpse. In the eyes of Sofia, Fein, Aoi, and Voli... The corpse decayed at a speed visible to the naked eye. The skin became wrinkled, paler, and cold. Black hair turned white until it fell one after another. Then the flesh shrank, and Heim's corpse became a bag of bones.

Then five minutes later, Hein's headless body was nowhere to be seen as it completely decomposed by the erosion of the black mist.

"Master, your new ability seems to be good for covering tracks." Voli came beside Fein and said.

Fein nodded at this. "Yes, but it's still slower than actually burning the corpse. It still has a lot of room for improvement."

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