I Can Upgrade My Talent In Everything

Chapter 535 Voli's IQ

Chapter 535 Voli's IQ

"Wait, a damn minute... Where did Voli get the inspiration to create this kind of technique?" By the description of the technique, Fein could determine that the technique was actually powerful. It was a deadly penetrative attack good for enemies with tough defense and also excellent for assassination.

Of course, Fein also felt that the tweeting of the birds was a drawback. After all, in the assassination, soundless attacks are the best. The tweeting of the birds would make the enemy aware and could also reveal the location of the user. 'Hmmmm... Since Voli could cast this ability instantaneously, this drawback would be minimized.'

Fein could feel that the needed degu energy amount to use the Tweeting Birds was astronomical, to say the least. After thinking about the pros and cons of the ability, Fein became amazed by Voli's creativity. After all, it was the first time Voli created an application ability. A beginner in the creative side of things, but he could already make a practical one.

'Voli is really damn smart. If he's just not lazy...' Fein clicked his tongue. He noticed that the smarter people are, the lazier they become. He didn't expect it would also extend to beasts.

Fein didn't know if there was really a correlation between intelligence and laziness and he didn't want to think about it either because he was too lazy to do so! Thinking of this, he couldn't help but sigh. 'What a drag... Really a pain in the ass.'

Then he began to focus on the other ability, which made him interested. With a tap in his hand, the information of the ability displayed itself.

[Brain Enhancement (Active)- With the use of low-voltage current, and low levels of electricity to stimulate the hippocampus, cerebral cortex, white matter, dark matter, and synapses. The cognitive function of the brain would improve drastically. Hippocampus corresponds with working memory, long-term memory, and the ability to recall. The cerebral cortex is for reasoning, thinking, and planning. Stimulate synapses for faster information processing because synapses are the relay the brain use. Efficient synapses mean faster communication between brain cells and neurons. As a result, the brain entered an overdrive, which boosts all its functions for thirty minutes by 10x]

At this time, Fein's mouth widened. He couldn't even believe what he was reading anymore. His whole impression of Voli changes because of this. After all, to actually think of improving cognitive function with the use of electricity is actually ingenious! But this is also risky as it requires one to have very precise control of their power. Just one miscalculation would turn the brain into mush. The brain would literally get fried with the electricity.

To create this kind of ability, one not only needs to have good control of power but also knowledge of neuroscience and the inner working of the brain. But how could Voli understand such a thing? And where would he get such information in the first place? Suddenly, Fein's eyes turned around as he realized something.

'Fuck! Did Voli actually read the papers I wrote?' Fein has papers that he hid in their house in San Fernando city.

These articles contain knowledge of the modern science of different branches of science such as ecology, biodiversity, evolution, chemical engineering, biology, physics, material science, and neuroscience. Fein plans to publish them in the future to make the entire civilization in this world have a leap in progress.

As for whether would that benefit him... Well, it would benefit him in many ways. For example, he needs to create a rocket, airplane, or some black technologies. Without advanced material science, where he would get the parts required? The advancement of civilization would benefit him in unimaginable ways.

"Voli, how did you create your brain enchainment ability?" Fein still asked as he wants confirmation.

Hearing this, Voli didn't dare to look at Fein's eyes and he looks particularly embarrassed.

"Come on, tell me. Don't worry about it."

"Sorry, master. I took the papers that you hid behind the shelves. I knew that it was precious knowledge, so I thought it would be a waste if I didn't learn it." Voli looked at Fein with pitiful eyes as if he have done a grave mistake.

'Damn, he really studied that advanced knowledge that I wrote? And here I thought he was lazy!' Fein was now speechless.

"Well, don't feel bad about it. Actually, what you did really impressed me." Fein had a wary smile on his face. "I didn't expect you would voluntarily study something. Are you really Voli?"

Seeing that Fein wasn't angry made Voli feel relief. In reality, he just happened to see Fein one day hid papers on the shelves. So his curious self took the chance and happened to see an entirely new world as he read the papers. His understanding of the world and life was subverted and completely change! He learned the way of scientific thinking! Voli didn't know why, but the more he learned about the stuff, the more he felt that he was stupid. The more he knows, the more he knew that he knows less. The respect he has towards Fein, which was already 100% became even more! And that day, Voli found out that science was actually fun!

"Of course, master. I am Voli!" Voli said with confidence. "I just studied some of the stuff you wrote, and one of them was the subject of the brain. That's the inspiration I used to create a way to enhance the brain with electricity."josei

Fein nodded, as he already knew this. "Well, let me test your knowledge and see how much you've understood."

Just like that, Voli and Fein discussed science intensely. They dabbled in a lot of theories about biology and other branches of science.

Sofia and Aoi were dumbfounded as they continued to listen. They couldn't understand anything at all. It was as if they became stupid and felt that Fein and Voli were talking using an alien language. Aoi also felt shame as she always thought that between her and Voli, she was smarter. Now the reality slapped her hard in the face.

In the end, Fein patted Voli on the head with a satisfied smile. "Well, Voli. It seems you have the talent to become a researcher. Your knowledge of the basics is already solid. Even the intermediate topics were quite decent. For advanced knowledge, you're just lacking in some areas and haven't grasped the essence yet. But as a beginner, you already passed with flying colors!"

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