I Can Upgrade My Talent In Everything

Chapter 537 Monsters Of The Eight Floor

Chapter 537 Monsters Of The Eight Floor

The eighth floor, or can also be called The World of Giants! Fein almost thought that he came back from the Monster World Secret Real. Everything was bigger than him! Nearly all trees were five hundred meters big and one kilometer wide.

What really made Fein speechless was the ants were fucking so much bigger than him! Forty five-meters to fifty meters, the ants could swallow an entire human alive. What's more, Fein couldn't see any A-rank creature. Every monster that they encountered was S rank! Which means all the creatures from the eighth floor have a certain degree of intelligence.

Different from the other floors, they didn't attack Fein and Sofia, unlike the monster on the lower floors, which would attack the group as soon as they saw them. Of course, it doesn't mean that the monsters were friendly; they were just minding their business.josei

Fein even tried to talk to one of the ants, which just looked at him curiously and began to ignore him after two seconds. The animals, no, the monsters such as wolves, were literally behemoths. The biggest of them reached a maximum height of two hundred meters. It was a kangaroo that they met after just walking one kilometer away from the starting point of the eighth floor. Most S -rank monsters on the eighth floor were common grade, but the kangaroo was a golden grade.

Voli, unwilling to back down, grew one thousand meters in height, which startled the monster around. The monsters, including the kangaroo, attempted to flee, as the size of the body is a sign of strength for the monster of the eighth floor. Voli's behemoth figure was undoubtedly worthy of a high-ranking monster that even a golden grade has to fear.

The kangaroo couldn't escape, as Voli, even with his size, could use lightning to boost his speed and his range of attack was literally eight hundred meters around him. Without an option, the golden-grade kangaroo fought Voli with all kinds of flashy abilities such as high-speed punch, auto-dodge, and razor bounce. Unfortunately, even the golden grade abilities didn't manage to help him to bridge the gap between them.

Voli just used his newly created abilities and familiarize himself before he wrecked the kangaroo with Voli, bashing the kangaroo with a ten-simultaneous paw. It was already amazing that the kangaroo manage to survive in the first three bashings, as Voli easily demolished, and flattened five hundred-meter trees with a single paw.

Of course, Fein didn't let the opportunity go. He instructed Voli not to kill his enemies. In the end, Fein dealt the last blow, which gave him a large amount of exp. Fein became more and more optimistic about the upgrade of his universal talent. He was literally surrounded by S ranks. Even if the majority of them were common grades, it could already be considered a treasure trove of experience points!

Fein didn't kill the neutral ones. As for those who tried to ambush them and treat them as their food. Fein sent them on the road in advance and gratefully harvested the points they provided.

As for why he didn't kill the neutral ones, it would be bad if he were seen as a brute by the other monster. Once that happens, the neutral ones would gather and see him as an intruder that wants to cause chaos on the eighth floor. At that time, a war between his group would erupt. Although he, Voli, and Aoi would be fine. He was worried about Sofia. After all, an army of S-rank creatures wants to face when he has the choice to take it easy.

Not to mention, the monsters on the eighth floor had a human IQ. Who knows what plans they would come up with? In the middle of the fight with an army S ranks, he won't be able to assure that he would be able to watch for Sofia. After all, there are golden-grade monsters, and it was bound that there would be abilities that he didn't know about that, even if he knows he won't be able to deal with them. In this world, there are a variety of weird abilities that even higher-ranked creatures won't be able to stop. The realm isn't absolute, as abilities are also a huge factor of strength.

For example, Fey's ability makes her intangible. Even if it was an S rank. Without an ability that could restrain Fey's ability, the S rank won't be able to do anything with her. Some abilities are far stronger than others, the whole others were far useless.

After being on the Germundia continent and fighting various monsters. Fein with rich combat experience doesn't believe in the statement which says, 'There's no useless ability, only useless user. If there's something, it was utter bullshit! There are useless abilities... Even if you give a useless ability to a creative person or a talented person, he or she won't be able to do anything with it. For example, give the ability to make an apple or make poop smells good. No matter how one develops such ability, it would be useless!

Just like how Fein believes that humans aren't equal, abilities are also the same! Abilities aren't equal! That's why there are legendary, mythical, causal, and god-level abilities in the first place.


System: The host has a good thought process this time. Abilities are indeed not equal. Even abilities in the same rank or grade might not necessarily be equal. As some abilities are auxiliary while some are just literally useless.

'Damn! How rare! It seems that the system agreed with me this time.'

While Fein was thinking about something... Sofia, Aoi, and Voli were appreciating the beauty and majestic environment they were currently in. Along the way, they encountered six friendly S-rank beasts, hundreds of neutrals, and twelve violent ones.

The six friendly beasts were mainly birds that passed by in the sky and gave them giant fruits. As for a hundred neutrals, mainly the ants that tirelessly work around carrying crumbs of meats that were twelve times bigger than their body, which Fein estimated ten or fifty times heavier than their body weight!

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