I Can Upgrade My Talent In Everything

Chapter 541 Hybrid Fein

Chapter 541 Hybrid Fein

"Fein, it seems the master of this floor is special," Sofia said.

"And cruel..." With Shiroe's description, although he didn't know the master of eight floors, he knew that it has a ruthless character and way of doing things.

After all, Shiroe itself said that the reason why they guard the mountain against trespassers was because of the master of the eighth floor that has his hand on their necks. It was holding their entire family or tribe hostage. Fein didn't really feel anything, but since humans and monsters are not on the same side of this world.

"I think we would face a hard battle in the next few days." Aoi at this time broke her silence.

Fein, at this moment, checked his stats. It already became a habit for him as he enjoys seeing his progress. Aside from the other unchanged ones, the new techniques he created were added to the interface. Aside from the usual ones, Fein requested the system to make a separate category for the transformations he had as a perfect organism.

"Well, let's go up."

Fein's body started to morph. Small dots appeared on his body and black feathers covered him. In split seconds, he transformed into a fifty-meter black raven that they have fought on top of the tree.

Aoi and Sofia took a step back as Fein transformed without reminding them. In their eyes, Fein became perfectly similar to the ravens in the previous battle.

Fein actually recorded the genes of the undead and the monsters that they fought along the way. It took one month to fully record them, and now he could use them just fine.

Name: Fein Bonifacio

Race: Perfect Organism

Talent: S

Ratio: 1 in 1,000,000,000 Genius

Degu Amount: S

Str: S

Agi: S

End: S

Understanding of the Laws: fire lvl 10, water lvl 4, wind lvl 7, earth lvl 3, thunder lvl 7, ice lvl 15, wood lvl 4, shadow lvl 1, time lvl 0, space lvl 18, darkness lvl 15, light lvl 0, death lvl 17, blood lvl 9, destruction lvl 5, snow lvl 15...

Skills: Swordsmanship Lvl 20 (Grandmaster), Cooking Lvl 20, Climbing Lvl 20, Driving Lvl 20, Spying Lvl 20, Boxing Lvl 20, etc...

Elemental Techniques: Lightning Speed, Elemental Sphere, Elemental Gun, World Tree Domain, Flame Advent, Lightning Flicks, Death Ozone, Decay, High-Temp Adjustment, Low-Temp Adjustment, Blood Lock, Blood Rush State, Destruction Flame...

Degu Abilities: Storage Space, Stats Improvement, Probe, Map, Lottery, Titles, Disease Immunity...

Additional Abilities: Ghecko Substitution (Mythical), Gene Bank (Mythical), Perfect Transformation (Mythical)

Gene Bank (Recorded Creatures): Normal Animals, Ravens, Skeleton Warrior, Dark Ghoul, Undead Knight, Mummy, Bee Killers, Golden Giant, White Leopard, Zombie, Vampire, Wolf...

These are the monsters that he recorded and recording one creature takes five days at maximum. That's Fein only picked the elites and the most useful ones. The good thing is, he could transform into what he wants and use their abilities like Ben Ten from cartoons. Of course, he could also become a hybrid of a mix of creatures and use their abilities simultaneously. But for now, he could only become five creatures in one body at the same time.

Meaning, he could transform into a wolf, vampire, mummy, zombie, and death knight and use their abilities at the same time. More than five, would put great stress on his body and shorten his lifespan.

Fortunately, the stronger he becomes, the larger the capacity of his body would be able to accommodate. Fein still prefers to stay in his human form most of the time, though. In a hybrid state, he looks disgustingly ugly, a true abomination. His body parts weren't proportional if he had become five creatures at the same time. That's why Fein only uses two creatures simultaneously and his favorite is the wolfpire transformation, as it doesn't look that ugly.

"Do I look okay? I'm not that yet." Fein, in his raven form, began to squirm again. His black eyes turned blood red, and some of the feathers changed to fight.

Sofia suddenly felt a familiar breath on Fein's body. "Did you transform into a vampire!?"

pαпdα-ňᴏνê|·сóМ "No, and yes..." Fein shook his head. "This is the combination of vampire and raven... Rampire!"

"Pffft!" Sofia burst out laughing. "What a lame name!"

"Wait, doesn't it sound cool?" Fein scratched his head with his raven paw, which made Voli and Aoi silent, and didn't dare to answer.

In the state of Rampire, or half vampire, half raven. He could use both their abilities and even make them synergize or fuse to achieve amazing effects. He got the complete set abilities of Raven and Vampires.

Name: Fein Bonifacio

Race: Perfect Organism

State: Rampire (Vampire/Raven)

Talent: S

Ratio: 1 in 1,000,000,000 Genius

Degu Amount: S

Str: S

Agi: S

End: S


Understanding of the Laws: fire lvl 10, water lvl 4, wind lvl 7, earth lvl 3, thunder lvl 7, ice lvl 15, wood lvl 4, shadow lvl 1, time lvl 0, space lvl 18, darkness lvl 15, light lvl 0, death lvl 17, blood lvl 9, destruction lvl 5, snow lvl 15...

Skills: Swordsmanship Lvl 20 (Grandmaster), Cooking Lvl 20, Climbing Lvl 20, Driving Lvl 20, Spying Lvl 20, Boxing Lvl 20, etc...

Elemental Techniques: Lightning Speed, Elemental Sphere, Elemental Gun, World Tree Domain, Flame Advent, Lightning Flicks, Death Ozone, Decay, High-Temp Adjustment, Low-Temp Adjustment, Blood Lock, Blood Rush State, Destruction Flame...

Degu Abilities: Storage Space, Stats Improvement, Probe, Map, Lottery, Titles, Disease Immunity...

Additional Abilities: Ghecko Substitution (Mythical), Gene Bank (Mythical), Perfect Transformation (Mythical)

Gene Bank (Recorded Creatures): Normal Animals, Ravens, Skeleton Warrior, Dark Ghoul, Undead Knight, Mummy, Bee Killers, Golden Giant, White Leopard, Zombie, Vampire, Wolf...

Rampire Abilities: Inhuman Physique, Enhanced Five Senses, Bat Transformation, Blood Magic, Inhuman Agility, Advanced Hypnosis, Convert, Super Regeneration, Enhanced Hearing, Abnormal Physique, Animagus Transformation, Super Lifesteal.

Unfortunately, the genes of the vampire that he recorded don't have a good bloodline. If he could record Sofia or Lucius' blood, he might become the second blood primogenitor.

"Master, you're too powerful! Is this your most powerful transformation?" Voli's eyes were literally shining this time, and he was giving Fein a look of admiration.

Fein thought carefully before answering. "Not really. I can become a hybrid of vampire, werewolf, dark ghoul, golden giant, and zombie. I think it would be the most powerful transformation, but it would also make me look unsightly."

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