I Can Upgrade My Talent In Everything

Chapter 550 Operation

Chapter 550 Operation: Kill The Sleeping Creature

Voli, Fein, Aoi, and Sofia stepped onto the 10th floor and were greeted by a thick fog. They could hardly see anything beyond a few meters. Fein walked cautiously, scanning the area for any potential threats.

"Be on your guard, everyone," Fein said. "This floor is shrouded in mystery, and we have no idea what we're up against."

As they moved forward, they noticed something strange. The fog seemed to be following them, as if it was alive. Aoi nervously clutched her weapon, ready to strike at a moment's notice.

"Is it just me, or is this fog getting thicker?" Sofia asked, her voice trembling slightly.

Suddenly, they heard a faint whisper in the distance. It was too quiet to make out any words, but the sound sent chills down their spines. Voli's instincts kicked in, and he took a defensive stance, ready to protect his friends.

The fog began to clear, revealing an enormous stone statue in front of them. The statue's face was carved in a menacing expression, and it held a large sword in its hand. Fein examined the statue closely, trying to determine if it was a threat.

"This statue looks ancient," Fein said. "It must have been here for centuries. But why would someone go to such lengths to create it?"

As they continued to study the statue, they noticed a strange inscription carved into the stone at its feet. Voli stepped closer to get a better look, but suddenly the ground beneath him gave way. He tumbled into a dark pit, disappearing from view.

"Voli!" Aoi cried out, rushing to the edge of the pit. She peered down, but the darkness was impenetrable. Fein immediately sprang into action, scanning the area for any signs of a trap.

"We have to find a way to get him out of there," Fein said, "But we need to be careful. There's no telling what else might be lurking down there."

Sofia noticed something odd about the inscription on the statue's base. She pointed it out to Fein, who examined it closely. Suddenly, a loud grinding noise filled the air, and the statue began to move.

As the statue rose up, the ground shook beneath their feet, and a hidden passage was revealed. The group cautiously made their way down the passage, hoping to find Voli.

Little did they know, this was just the beginning of the mysteries that awaited them on the 10th floor.

Fein cautiously led the group deeper into the passage, with Aoi and Sofia following closely behind. They all had their weapons at the ready, unsure of what lay ahead. Suddenly, they heard a faint sound coming from up ahead.

"Did you hear that?" Sofia whispered, her eyes wide with fear.

Fein nodded, his grip tightening on his sword. "Stay alert," he said. "We don't know what we're up against."

They moved forward slowly, their eyes scanning the darkness for any signs of movement. As they turned a corner, they saw a group of shadowy figures emerge from the shadows.

Aoi gasped, her body tensing as she prepared for battle. "We can take them," she said, her voice filled with determination.

Fein nodded, a fierce glint in his eyes. "Let's do this," he said.

As they charged forward, swords clashing against metal, Voli suddenly appeared from the shadows behind the enemy. He let out a fierce battle cry and charged towards the enemy from behind. Caught off guard, the enemy was quickly defeated by the group's combined efforts.

"Voli, where were you?" Sofia asked, relieved to see her friend unharmed.

Voli grinned, his face covered in sweat and dirt. "I got lost for a bit," he said, "But I knew I'd find you guys, eventually."

Fein clapped him on the back, a grin spreading across his face. "Good to have you back, my friend," he said. "Let's keep moving forward."


After they regrouped with Voli, the group continued to explore the tenth floor. In the end, they met an SS-rank golden creature. Fein could certainly defeat an SS rank common grade, but for SS-rank golden grade, he wasn't so sure.

Fein used his probe, and was surprised as the creature has a weird ability that makes it invulnerable while asleep.

The group stood before the massive chamber, staring in awe at the sleeping creature before them. Its scales glimmered in the dim light, and its breaths were deep and heavy.

"We have to wake it up," Fein said, his voice low and steady. "We can't defeat it if it remains asleep."

Sofia nodded in agreement. "According to the ancient texts, this creature has a weakness of lightning. We can use that to our advantage."

Aoi readied her weapons, her eyes locked on the creature's chest. "I'll strike as soon as it wakes up."

Voli stood back, his hands crackling with energy. "I'll use my lightning to weaken it. But be careful, it might be able to absorb my magic."

Fein nodded, his mind already working out a plan. "Okay, here's what we're going to do. Sofia, you and I will draw the creature's attention. Aoi, you wait for an opening to strike. Voli, be ready to hit it with lightning when it's weakened."

The group split up, taking their positions around the creature. Fein and Sofia made noise, shouting and clanging their weapons, while Aoi waited for her chance. Suddenly, the creature stirred, its eyes opening with a fierce glint.

Aoi saw her chance and dashed forward, slicing at the creature's chest. It roared in pain and anger, swinging its tail at her. She dodged out of the way, narrowly avoiding being crushed.

Voli took his chance and hit the creature with a bolt of lightning. It recoiled, momentarily weakened. Fein and Sofia took advantage of the creature's confusion and struck at its weak points.

The creature fought back, its powerful spells nearly taking out the group. But Voli's ability to manipulate lightning proved crucial, as he absorbed and redirected the spells back at the creature.josei

In the end, the creature fell, defeated by the group's combined abilities and strengths. They emerged victorious, but not without injuries.

"Well done, everyone," Fein said, his voice filled with pride. "We make a great team."

The group smiled and nodded, already preparing themselves for the challenges that awaited them on the next floor.

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