I Can Upgrade My Talent In Everything

Chapter 558 Demon Fein

Chapter 558 Demon Fein

As Fein and Sofia returned to their hotel room after putting a conclusion to their eventful day, they found Voli and Aoi already in the room, chatting animatedly about their own adventures in Arkaia City. Voli was describing in great detail the delicious street food they had sampled, while Aoi was eagerly recounting their encounters with the locals and their attempts at learning the local language.

Fein and Sofia exchanged a glance, both feeling a mix of relief and amusement. They hadn't yet told Voli and Aoi about their unexpected detour into a crime-solving mission. Sofia cleared her throat, catching their friends' attention.

"Hey guys, you won't believe what happened to us today," she began, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "Fein and I stumbled upon a crime scene in the city and ended up helping the local authorities solve the case!"

Voli and Aoi's eyes widened in surprise, and they immediately stopped their chatter, fully attentive to Sofia's story.

Fein chimed in, adding more details about their investigation, the clues they had uncovered, and how they had worked together to bring the case to a conclusion. He couldn't help but smile as he recounted the events, proud of Sofia's quick thinking and resourcefulness.

Voli and Aoi listened with rapt attention, their expressions a mix of awe and admiration. They marveled at Fein and Sofia's unexpected adventure, asking questions and expressing their amazement at their friends' detective skills.

After the tale was finished, there was a moment of silence, and then Aoi burst out laughing, unable to contain their amusement at the turn of events. Voli joined in, and soon all four friends were laughing together, the tension from the crime-solving mission dissipating into lighthearted banter and laughter.

Fein and Sofia exchanged a knowing smile, grateful for the support and camaraderie of their friends. They realized that even though their date didn't go as planned, the unexpected turn of events had brought them closer together and created a memorable experience they would cherish for a lifetime.

The rest of the evening was spent sharing stories, reminiscing about their adventures, and making plans for the remaining days of their vacation in Arkaia City. It was a night filled with laughter, bonding, and the warm glow of friendship, as they looked forward to more adventures in the days to come.


The next day...

Fein stood in a secluded spot, hidden from prying eyes, as he reached into his storage space. He retrieved a large, lifeless corpse of an S-ranked demon, its twisted form still radiating immense power. With a solemn expression, he activated his power of gene bank, a unique ability that allowed him to record any race genes without side effects.

Fein placed his hand on the demon corpse, his body glowing with a faint ethereal light. He concentrated, using his deep understanding of monster anatomy and his logical approach to carefully extract the genes from the demon's body and record them into his own. The process was intense, and beads of sweat formed on Fein's forehead as he focused all his mental and physical strength on the task at hand.

As the process completed, Fein's body convulsed, and his eyes turned a vibrant shade of crimson. His form began to change, his once human appearance morphing into that of a demon. His features became more refined, his body exuded an aura of dark power, and his magic power surged to new heights. Fein had successfully incorporated the demon genes into his body, becoming stronger and more powerful than ever before.

Fein stood there for a moment, taking in his new form, feeling the raw energy coursing through his veins. He couldn't help but be amazed at the power he now possessed.

Fein's transformation into a demon was nothing short of awe-inspiring. His once-human form was now replaced by a fearsome and imposing visage. His skin had turned a deep shade of ebony, and his eyes glowed with a menacing crimson hue, radiating an intense aura of power. His facial features were sharper and more angular, giving him a strikingly otherworldly appearance.

His hair, once a dark brown, had transformed into a flowing mane of midnight black, which seemed to move as if it had a life of its own, swaying and undulating with his every movement. His body had undergone a remarkable transformation as well, with sinewy muscles rippling beneath his skin, granting him immense strength and agility.

Fein's clothing had also changed, now consisting of a dark, tattered robe that billowed around him like a cloak of shadows, adding to his intimidating presence. The demon genes he had recorded had given him an air of mystery and danger, and his newfound power was palpable.

As he stood there, Fein revealed that he now had two hearts in his body, pulsating with a dark and powerful magic power energy. His enhanced senses allowed him to perceive the world in ways he had never before imagined, and his magical abilities were now exponentially amplified. It was clear that he had become a force to be reckoned with, a formidable entity with powers beyond comprehension.josei

Fein's eyes gleamed with a mix of curiosity and determination as he tested out his newfound abilities, pushing the limits of his power and reveling in the sheer thrill of his transformation. He knew that he now possessed unimaginable power, but the question of how he would wield it remained uncertain. The moral implications of his actions weighed heavily on his mind, and he knew that he would need to tread carefully as he navigated this new world of power and darkness.

With a sense of both excitement and trepidation, Fein took a deep breath, feeling the rush of adrenaline coursing through his veins. He was now a demon, a being with immense power and potential, but also with the burden of responsibility.


Name: Fein Bonifacio

Race: Perfect Organism

Talent:  S

Class: Wizard

Ratio: 1 in 1,000,000,000 Genius

Energies: S  rank (Degu Energy), S+ rank (Magical Power)

Str: S +

Agi: S+

End: S+

Understanding of the Laws: fire lvl 10, water lvl 4, wind lvl 7, earth lvl 3, thunder lvl 7, ice lvl 15, wood lvl 4, shadow lvl 1, time lvl 0, space lvl 18, darkness lvl 15, light lvl 0, death lvl 17, blood lvl 9, destruction lvl 5, snow lvl 15...

Skills: Swordsmanship Lvl 20 (Grandmaster), Cooking Lvl 20, Climbing Lvl 20, Driving Lvl 20, Spying Lvl 20, Boxing Lvl 20, etc...

Elemental Techniques: Lightning Speed, Elemental Sphere, Elemental Gun, World Tree Domain, Flame Advent, Lightning Flicks, Death Ozone, Decay, High-Temp Adjustment, Low-Temp Adjustment, Blood Lock, Blood Rush State, Destruction Flame...

Degu Abilities: Storage Space, Stats Improvement, Probe, Map, Lottery, Titles, Disease Immunity...

Additional Abilities: Ghecko Substitution (Mythical), Gene Bank (Mythical), Perfect Transformation (Mythical)

Gene Bank (Recorded Creatures): Normal Animals, Ravens, Skeleton Warrior, Dark Ghoul, Undead Knight, Mummy, Bee Killers, Golden Giant, White Leopard, Zombie, Vampire, Wolf, High Rank Demon...

Spells: None

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